Autorius | Žinutė |
2010-12-03 16:03 #161246 | |
Visiems cia tas pats. Pareina ragai ju servams per naujienas.
2010-12-03 16:04 #161247 | |
Mauzeris. [2010-12-03 15:55]: nu va pasijungiau, bet kas is to, kad vos ant geltono stovi, daugiau negu minute market orderio nevykdo... Keistas noras iš Oandos tikėtis sąžiningo platformos darbo . Su rusų brokeriais neturiu jokių problemų Ir nei NFA , nei VPK čia niekam neįdomios. Nemanau, kad Oanda nepajėgi suteikti nelūžinėjančią platformą. Greičiau tai daroma tikslingai. Pastarąjį mėnesį man Oanda lūžinėjo labai dažnai. Neįsivaizduoju kaip reikėtų dideliais kiekiais per ją ir prekiaut. Nebeprognozuojama tapo. Prieš 1-2 metus tokių problemų nebūdavo. Kuo toliau - tuo blogiau. Esu VIRGILIJUS VAIDOKAVIČIUS ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Tikintysis Jėzumi Kristumi Lietuvos Respublikos pilietis ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ |
2010-12-03 16:07 #161249 | |
Man irgi keista kad kazkokios tipo technines problemos uzsitese taip ilgai. Tikslingas grybo pjovimas. Paemei ir sutvarkei viska pasiruosus per kuri savaitgali.
2010-12-03 16:07 #161251 | |
Oanda labai gerai tinka tiem kas prekiauja ant ilgalaikiu pozu , skalpinimui panasu jie nebetinka kaip anksciau .
As irgi pritariu kad yra daug geresniu brokeriu uz Oanda . Gal kas parasys kuris labiausia tinkamas scalpinimui, nes as ju nedaug dar isbandes . |
2010-12-03 16:19 #161259 | |
galutinai apsisprendziau, kad sitas burokeris man tikrai daugiau netinka. Padariau screenshota, uzdariau ta poza rankiniu budu, bet kas idomiausia, kai jau rodes aprimo ir vel i zalia perejo, tik sitas staigesnis judesys ir vel vos ant geltono. Dabar vel ant zalio, ai vienzo nera tikslo cia ausint burnos
2010-12-03 16:20 #161264 | |
Fxmaster [2010-12-03 16:07]: Oanda labai gerai tinka tiem kas prekiauja ant ilgalaikiu pozu , skalpinimui panasu jie nebetinka kaip anksciau . As irgi pritariu kad yra daug geresniu brokeriu uz Oanda . Gal kas parasys kuris labiausia tinkamas scalpinimui, nes as ju nedaug dar isbandes . vejus rasai kokie geresni ? fxcm ? cms ? ? tas pats visur, buna uzplaukia tie lagai. O apie tuos rusiskus tai neskleiskit cia propogandos, trinciau as tuos postus nafik apie rusiskus brokerius, kad naujoku neklaidint. Nepatinka, eikit pas brokeri, o ne marketmakeri, cia kazkaip populiaru marketmakerius brokeriais vadint. Tik pas brokeri reik normalaus acc dydzio, komisija moket ir taip lengvai acc neatsidarysi. Ir aisku po 1-2 punktus nepriskaplpuosi, nes neissimokesi uz komisija, beto praslidimai ir t.t. kaip normalioj rinkoj, o ne pas marketmakeri, kur net puse pipso tikslumu orderi ivykdo "Juk dauguma treideriu visame pasaulyje negali klysti!"
2010-12-03 18:52 #161316 | |
to fxknight :
o tu bandei curennex kad teigi kad blogiau nei Oanda (shakar makar) ? as kiek paskaiciau ten reikia normalu depozita tureti , ir komisinius moketi , yra nemazai navarotu . as speju kad Tonis ir dirba per curenex , nes tokiom sumom kaip kad jis skalpina ir pelnigai niekur ramiai nepadirbtum. |
2010-12-03 21:06 #161347 | |
uzklausi pas brokeri (geriausia registruota NFA) Currenex'o (gali pasiulyt Viking, cia tas pats), suzinai salygas (inasas dazniausiai apie 20-25K), spreadas Currenex apie 0.6-0.8 point'o EUR/USD (buna ir mazesnis, o po uzdarymo 5pm didesnis)ir t.t... + brokeris uzsimeta apie 0.2-0.3 ant pagr.valiutu + moki fee apie 0.2 ($10-20/uz 1mln round trip, nes brokeris moka Currenex'ui apie $10), taigi susumavus spreadas 1.0-1.3 point'o (viskas priklauso nuo salygu ... ), min. amount 1K. Currenex luzineja labai retai, nes ten visgi sedi bankai. Tikiuosi nieko nepraleidau ... |
2010-12-04 01:01 #161380 | |
dekui savs
truputeli inesei aiskumo |
2010-12-22 01:11 #165699 1 | |
Java versiją atnaujinus į Version 6 Update 23 fxTrade nebepasileidžia pilno ekrano rėžimu. Naudojant Update 22 šios problemos nebuvo. Bent pakolkas patariu susilaikyti nuo atnaujinimų.
Common sense is not very common
2010-12-22 13:04 #165806 | |
pas mane irgi buvo ta problema po 23 update, kuri istryniau ir instaliavau senesni varianta ,vel viskas ciki...
2011-01-07 15:41 #168571 | |
OANDA uzlinko
2011-01-07 15:46 #168572 | |
O ko tu tikejais ?
2011-01-13 14:40 #169915 | |
kolegos oandistai, gal padetumete biednam studentui susigaudyti, kada oandoje suveikia margin call, nes kankinu ir kankinu demo versija, neissiduoda bjaurybe... o kaip su real, kada suveikia margin call?
2011-01-13 17:24 #169968 | |
Account Summary ziurek:
Kai "Net Asset Value" nukrenta iki "Margin Closeout" |
2011-01-13 18:18 #169991 | |
Tai po margin call dar lieka kiek pinigų ar sudega 100% ?
2011-01-13 18:27 #169995 | |
panaudota margino dydį % padalink iš dviejų ir gausi stop-out lygį procentais. Tai tiek turėjo likti. Max gali likti 5% buvusio viso turto vertės. Maržos taisyklės.
2011-01-13 19:14 #170024 | |
almanciuks [2011-01-13 18:18]: Tai po margin call dar lieka kiek pinigų ar sudega 100% ? "Net Asset Value" yra tavo balansas, kuri tu turetum jei uzdarytum visas pozicijas. Kai "Net Asset Value" nukrenta iki "Margin Closeout" automatiskai uzsidaro didziausia minusa turinti pozicija, kitaip tariant "Margin Call". Po "Margin Call" lieka pinigu |
2011-01-13 19:30 #170037 | |
P.S. jei yra atidaryta daug poziciju, po "Margin Call" vyksta "Margin Closeout" perskaiciavimas.
T.y. "Margin Closeout" sumazeja, ko pasekoje labai greit gauni antra "Margin Call", trecia...... kol saskaita istirpsta, lieka tik centai. Man taip buvo nutike karteli. Gerai, kad tai buvo viso labo eksperimentams skirta smulki subsaskaita. Zodziu sia pamoka ismokau |
2011-01-18 00:46 #170710 | |
Turbūt jau esat girdėję apie OANDOS planus kaip papildomą platformą greta fxTrade paleisti MT4. Nuo šiandien šį sprendimą jau galima išbandyti virtualių lėšų sąskaitose. Pridedų trumpą instrukciją, kaip tai padaryti:
1. Register for OANDA fxTrade Practice, if you haven't already. 2. After you've registered, create an fxTrade Practice account enabled for MT4. (Specify your account details, then check the "Enable this account for MetaTrader 4" box under Advanced Options.) 3. Download the OANDA MetaTrader 4 software. (This software is the same for both fxTrade and fxTrade Practice; you only need to download it once.) 4. The downloaded exe file will install on any Windows system. Double-click the file from a Windows machine to install the software. 5. Use the account number and password of your MT4- enabled account to sign in to the MetaTrader 4 software. (Be sure to select "OANDA MT4 - Practice" from the list of servers that appears.) Kadangi kyla įvairių klausimų apie platformų skirtumus ir panašumus, pridedu papildomą informaciją: What do I need to use MetaTrader at OANDA?
You need an OANDA trading account and a Windows-based computer on which to install the OANDA MetaTrader 4 software. Go to the Getting Started page for full instructions. Can OANDA MetaTrader handle single unit trades? No. As with any other MetaTrader 4 platform, OANDA MT4 only lets you trade in lots, mini lots, and micro lots (where one lot is 100,000 units, mini lots are 0.1 of a lot, and micro lots are 0.01 of a lot). You can still place any-size trades from your fxTrade interface. However, be aware that there will be discrepancies between the records of OANDA MT4 and our fxTrade platform, because the former is not able to show the necessary level of accuracy for any-size trades. What is the maximum trade size? 100 lots (or 10 million units) per single trade is the maximum trade size for most currency pairs. (Gold pairs are limited to lot sizes of 5,000 units.) Does OANDA MetaTrader provide offline trailing stops? No. The trailing stops on the OANDA MT4 platform operate on the client machine. This means that they are hosted on your computer. If your computer is not running with OANDA MT4 running, the trailing stops are not being tracked and will not close any trades. To ensure your trailing stops are always being tracked, even when you're offline, create them using the fxTrade platform instead. Can I designate an existing fxTrade account as an OANDA MetaTrader account? No. To use OANDA MT4 features, you need to create an MT4-enabled account in the Funds Management System (or here, if you are using an fxTrade Practice account) by checking the appropriate box under "Advanced Options". You can then transfer funds to this account from your other OANDA fxTrade accounts. Can I place trades for my MT4 account from the fxTrade platform? Yes. You can open and close trades from the fxTrade platform for your MT4 account. Note that for the account to sync correctly on the MT4 interface, these trades need to be in lots or mini lots to avoid rounding differences. How do I fund my OANDA MetaTrader account? New Clients — You may deposit any amount you wish to start with—there is no minimum deposit required. However, note that the smallest MT4 trading size is the micro lot (1,000 units), so at a leverage of 50:1 the minimum amount of margin required to make this minimum trade would be 20 units (or more for lower leverage). Before sending funds to OANDA, please ensure that you have completed your registration and scanned and uploaded all required ID documents. Until OANDA receives and verifies this information, we will not be able to credit your account. Existing Clients — Sign in to the Funds Management System and transfer funds from any of your fxTrade accounts into your newly created MT4 account. What are the main differences between the OANDA fxTrade and OANDA MetaTrader platform? Units vs Lots — You can trade any amount with the OANDA fxTrade platform, even a single unit. On OANDA MT4, you can only trade lots (100,000 units), mini lots (tenths of a lot) or micro lots (hundredths of a lot). Interest — At OANDA, interest is paid on a second-by-second basis. Your MT4 account will receive this interest for positions that are carry positive, but the MT4 interface does not support the display of interest payments. To view your up-to-date account balance, you can sign in to the fxTrade platform at any time. Account Balance / Reports —Due to some fundamental differences in how the two platforms calculate balances (for example, with interest and single unit trades), we recommend that you routinely check the balance of your MT4 account by signing in to the fxTrade platform. This balance is the correct balance, and is the one used in all calculations, including margin alert calculations. Server vs. Client — The MT4 platform runs on your computer, with a connection to the OANDA server. This means that trailing stops are not tracked if your computer is turned off, and you cannot access the MT4 platform when you are away from the computer (unless you have software to access it remotely). By contrast, OANDA fxTrade runs completely on the OANDA servers, so trailing stops are always being tracked. You can access it from any Internet browser. What happens if there is a margin alert? Will my MT4 platform tell me? If your account doesn't have enough margin to cover your open trades, the OANDA servers will close all of your open trades. Unfortunately, there is no MetaTrader functionality to issue margin warnings on the MT4 platform, but you can see full account balance details (including available margin) when you sign in to the fxTrade interface. Are all order types supported? Yes, all types are supported. Can I trade from my mobile phone? You can download the MT4 mobile application for Windows Mobile handsets and access your OANDA MT4 account. You can also trade in OANDA fxTrade account using our mobile apps for iPhone, iPad, Android and BlackBerry devices. Common sense is not very common