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Danske Invest Compass Liquidity Fund G

Fondo detalūs duomenys, pelningumas, grafikas ir paskutinių ataskaitų turinys.
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     SMP-CE | SMP-EB 

Fondo detalės
PavadinimasDanske Invest Compass Liquidity Fund G
ValdytojasDanske Capital
Valstybė, ISINFinland,
Įkūrimo data2000-05-08
Vieneto kaina1.88656 EUR (2022-05-03)
Valdymo mokestis0.10%
Įsigijimo mokestis0.5%
Išpirkimo mokestis-
Minimali investicija30 EUR
Rodikliai (%)
Laikotarpis (mėn.)36
Visas pokytis4.40
Vid. metinis pokytis1.49
Mėnesinis nuokrypis1.46
Metinis nuokrypis5.05
Tikėtina metinė grąža12 / 9
Šarpo rodiklis-1.25

Techninė analizė

Pokytis per laikotarpį(%)
3 mėn.8.56
6 mėn.10.73
2 metai7.36
3 metai4.40

Sampo Compass Liquidity is a mutual fund whose assets are invested mainly in the fund units of other Finnish and foreign mutual funds that invest their assets in the bond markets or the money markets of the euro zone. The best possible return will be sought for the fund by emphasising the optimum timing of investments in fixed income instruments with different maturities. Interest rate changes in the euro zone are reflected in the value of the fund. Changes in interest rates have an inverse effect on the value of the fund, i.e. when interest rates fall, the value of the fund's investments increases, and conversely, when interest rates rise, the value decreases. The fund is suitable for investors who seek a better return than that of a time deposit, but who appreciate lower risk than that of an investment only in bonds. The fund is particularly well-suited for investors who wish to diversify their assets efficiently among money market and bond investments. The recommended investment horizon in the fund is more than one year. The fund's benchmark index is composed as follows: 50% JP Morgan EMU Government Bond Index and 50% 3-month Euribor Index.