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Danske Invest Contrarian Fund G

Fund details, performance, graph and last report data.
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     SF-TAA | SMP-C25 

Fund details
NameDanske Invest Contrarian Fund G
ManagerDanske Capital
Domicile country, ISINFinland, FI0008804067
Launch date1997-10-08
NAV value10.88148 EUR (2017-11-16)
Management fee2.1%
Subscription fee0%
Redemption fee1%
Minimum investment500 EUR
Ratios (%)
Period (months)36
Total change15.41
Avg. annual change5.42
Monthly deviation2.19
Annual deviation7.57
Likly annual return21 / 10
Sharpe ratio-1.35

Technical analysis

Change over period(%)
3 month5.11
6 month7.32
2 Years19.29
3 Years15.41

Danske Fund Contrarian is a mutual fund whose assets are invested globally in equity derivatives and fixed income investments based on a so called short only investment strategy. Equity derivatives may be used to hedge the value of the investments and to enhance portfolio management. Especially when the equity markets are falling or the market situation is otherwise uncertain, the fund will extensively employ derivative instruments to hedge decreases in equity prices. Some of the fund’s assets may be invested in equities and bonds without hedging, in which case returns can also be earned when securities prices rise. The risk associated with the fund is higher than usual and the fund’s volatility may be even significantly greater than the general volatility of the markets. The fund is especially suitable for investors who wish to profit from the possible short or long-term fall in equity prices. The fund is intended for experienced investors who seek an investment alternative with a higher return expectation, tolerating changes in the value of the investment. The fund is suitable as part of a diversified investment portfolio. The recommended investment horizon in the fund is more than five years.