Autorius | Žinutė |
2012-05-10 21:36 #274358 | |
Nebūtinai. Gali ir labai ilgai dirbt, jei išpildomos sąlygos:
Max pos quant=100 Balance=100.000.000 Tada ilgiau veiks |
2012-05-24 17:13 #277623 | |
Ketvirtadienio ismokti namu darbai, praejusia sekminga savaite lydejo sudetinga sios savaites pradzia. Dvi sav. AUD/USD trende, ilgalaikiu poziciju nelaikau, atidarineju priartejus prie virsaus be sl, jei reikalai pasisuka ne i ta puse, atidaroma priesinga pozicija, santykis 2:1. Teoriskai viskas graziai atrode, taciau pirma karta atlikus sudetinga buvo laikytis taisykliu, todel fiksavau nuostoli.
Siandien viskas puikiai pavyko, tik kaip visada per anksti uzdaromi treidai. |
2012-05-24 17:18 #277625 | |
Tikslai: augti kasdien po 5% (~15pip).
2012-05-27 23:15 #278159 | |
Short AUD/USD 0.97462, TP 0.96000
2012-05-27 23:18 #278160 | |
Paul -fx , ką čia cirkiniesi ? 0,9816 dabar AUD/USD kursas Oandoj.
Ar čia tokį atidėtą orderį savaitei į priekį numatei ? Esu VIRGILIJUS VAIDOKAVIČIUS ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Tikintysis Jėzumi Kristumi Lietuvos Respublikos pilietis ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ |
2012-05-27 23:27 #278164 | |
ne cia penktadieni atidarytas, pas mane db stovi ties 0.97600
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2012-05-28 00:03 #278172 |
tai prastai, chebra ties 0.9700 dar treciadieni spejo susideti shortus.
The Power of Technical Analysis
Margin Call |
2012-06-02 21:31 #279714
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Skaitau pora knygu, keletas minciu:
Traders will take partial profits at the first pause and then move their stops to breakeven on the balance; they are not willing to have a profit turn into a loss. A common cause of losses is putting on a trade, watching it become a looser, not exiting at your planned stop, and instead convincing yourself that it is fine to convert the trade into an investment. If you put in for a trade, exit it as a trade and take the loss. Some scalpers scalp all of their trades, but many traders will scalp or swing, depending on cinrcumstances. Implicit in the concept of scalping for this secong group of scalpers is that they are not trading in the direction of a clear always-in situation. If they are scalping, they must believe that the trend is about to end, at least for a while. For example, if they buy a bull flag but exit with only a scalp, they suspect that the market is about to enter a trading range. If they believed otherwise, they would hold their position for a larger profit. Many swing traders will let the trade go against them and add on at a better price. However, they always have at least a mental stop and, if the market gets to that point, they coclude that their idea can no longer be valid and they will exit with a loss. Always look for where scalpers will have their stops, and look to add on to your position at that location, if the pattern is still valid. Swing traders can take a position and kepp adding the same size position with each subsequent signal, after they have reasonable profit. The stop on the entire position is the stop of the most recent addition, which usually means that they will have a profit on their earlier entries, even if they lose on their final entry. They will also exit before their trailing stop was hit if the market generated a signal in the opposite direction. When the Emini has an average daily range of 10 to 15 points, there will usually be at least one trade a day where a trader can enter on a stop and exit on a limit order with a four-point profit. Since 99 percent of the days have at least a five-point range, theoretically a trader could enter and exit on limit orders and make four points. Swing traders should always be wondering if they should exit the trade early, before their profit target is reached. One way to help decide is to imagine that you are flat and think about whether you should enter at the market with a swing-size position and a protective stop exactly where a swing trader who is in the market would have his stop. If you would not take that trade, then you should exit your swing position immediately. This is because holding your current swing trade is identical fianancialy to initiating a new trade of the identical size at that price and with that stop. |
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2012-06-02 21:38 #279715
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paul,tai ant alpari pralosei 2k usd ?
Qua Resurget Ex Favilla Judicandus Homo Reus |
2012-06-02 21:39 #279716 | |
kokias knygas skaitai?
2012-06-02 21:45 #279717 | |
Praejusios savaites rezultatai:
Rezultatas visai neblogas, beveik +70%, is mano puses ziurint - rizika buvo minimali. Pelnas nemaksimalus, manau galejo buti 2 ar 3 kartus didesnis. Problema tapati - per anksti uzdaromi treidai. Gal atidarius orderi isjunkt platformas, ar eit su dviraciu pasivazinet ![]() |
2012-06-02 21:51 #279718 | |
lebron daugiau... Prarastu pinigu aisku gaila, bet brangios klaidos dave nemazai vertingos patirties ir praktiniu ziniu, ko nereikia daryt.
Arnas_IT Al Brooks - Price action, sudetingas skaitalas |
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2012-06-02 21:57 #279720 |
o jei nepaslaptis , tai bendram rezultate esi pliuse bent kiek ar minuse ?
![]() Qua Resurget Ex Favilla Judicandus Homo Reus |
2012-06-02 22:07 #279721 | |
Esu minuse. Ziurint kiek tas daugiau, inest pinigu visada spesi, rinka nepabegs. Jei turi strategija, kuri duoda neblogus rezultatus - bandyk.
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2012-06-02 22:43 #279725 |
is tiesu ant didesnio volatility iskart pareina ragai..baisiausia ,kad kiek pastebjeau jau ir tu "spaiku" negali prognozuot taip lengvai kada bus../ vakare ims nei is sio nei is to ir prades..o tada..//
jei ne tie "spaikai" tai sakyciau sekasi ganetinai vidutiniskai.. ir bendru poziuri prislietimas prie valiutiu rinkos tikrai plecia akirati ,kad ir akciju rinkoj ![]() padarysi per maza sl=nuostolingai dirbi, per dideli=irgi nustolingai, nes ismus ![]() Qua Resurget Ex Favilla Judicandus Homo Reus |
2012-06-02 22:48 #279728
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forex'e volatliumas lyginant su kitom rinkom yra labai mažas, o tam tikrais momentais iš vis beveik neegzistuoja. Volatilumą pats treideris sau susikuria užsisvertindamas daugiau negu reikia. Dėl prognozavimo, tai iš vis jis niekada nebuvo lengvas ir nebus nebent turi priėjimą prie inside'o, tai tada jau kitas reikalas. Dar verta pridėt, kad geras prognozavimas dar nereiškia, kad gerai ir uždirbsi, nes kaip jau kažkas anksčiau minėjo prekiaujant reikia reaguot į judesį/naujienas ir tiek.
Apie kokius market makerius kalbi forex'e? Gi turėtum žinot, kad čia bankai vieni kitiems valiutą stumdo ir tiek, o eiliniai treideriai tai turi arba su jais turi eit, arba būna out ir tiek |
2012-06-02 22:58 #279730 | |
lebron, daug netiketu "spaiku" galima isvengt pereinant prie didesniu TF, tada jie tampa santykinai mazesni ir daznai nereiksmingi, kas palengvina pacia prekyba.
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2012-06-03 00:02 #279733
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Paul fx ateitis aiški - treiderių šiukšlyne, o va arnas it protingų minčių padėsto. Lebronui dar sunku smegenis užmuilint. Tiek kvailo paršo minčių paskaičius.
2012-06-03 12:42 #279761
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Saunu paul-fx kad iniciatyva tokia ir entuziazmas. Galiausiai turi kazkas pakeisti tonius ir tt. Sekmes tau ;]
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2012-06-03 12:44 #279762
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as cia matau kolkas kieciausas treideris keuliukas
Parshe nebuk zadnas pasidalink is anksto svo treidais mes irgi taip pat uzeisim ![]() |