Autorius | Žinutė |
2013-09-12 19:42 #359744 | |
lorpak,mieloji, as su savo postu neyzeidziau nei taves nei tavo dvasinio mokytojo, tik uzdaviau tau klausima, o tu mane juokdariu isvadinai,gal galeciau suzinot uz ka?
2013-09-15 11:32 #360064 1 | |
Q: Guruji, is meditation the only way to realising truth?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Meditation is like water to the thirsty. Meditation is the way for inner peace, for upliftment of the spirit. If you ask me, ‘Is water the only way to quench the thirst? Is food the only way to satisfy the hunger?’ What should I say? Yes! ‘Is sleep the only way to get rid of tiredness?’ Of course. |
2013-09-15 11:41 #360066 1 | |
Meilė ir džiaugsmas be išmanymo gali tave suvaržyti. Kartu su žiniomis ta pati meilė ir džiaugsmas suteikia laisvės patyrimą. Laisvė ir suvaržymas visuomet kartu. Jeigu esama išsilaisvinimo, esama ir suvaržymo bei atvirkščiai. Laisvė vertinama todėl, kad esama suvaržymo. Jeigu nebūtų suvaržymo, iš ko reikėtų išsilaisvinti?
2013-09-15 11:42 #360067 1 1 | |
Beje ar zinai kas mano sentencijos autorius ir is kokio kurinio ...srutų duobėje šaukštas sviesto ne kažin ką pakeičia... |
2013-09-16 09:42 #360102 | |
Na tu teisi. Sioje Sri Sri indisku srutu duobeje kazin ar maniskiai isminties perlai kazka pakeis
2013-09-16 09:46 #360103 1 | |
Kaltė reikalinga. Šiek tiek kaltės jausmo yra gerai. Jis neleidžia tau įsileisti į veiksmų, kurie nėra geri nei tau, nei kitiems, ratą. Jeigu veiksmai buvo geri, niekuomet nesijausi dėl jų kaltas. Kaltė visuomet susijusi su veiksmu, kuris nėra geras tau ar kitiems. Kai padarai tokį veiksmą, kaltės jausmas tavyje veikia kaip detonatorius, kaip stabdis, kuris neleidžia toliau taip elgtis.
2013-09-16 10:00 #360105 | |
Taigi taigi, kalte bei sazine griauzia zmogu ir neduoda jam uzmigt. Per tai skleidziasi tikrasis zmogiskumas kuris atskiria zmogu nuo gyvulio.
Stai puikus filmas apie kalte ir sazine - Bale'as kuris dabar daugumai zinomas kaip Betmanas, del sio filmo vaidmens numete kruva kilogramu ir atrode kaip is konclagerio paleistas. Taigi bukit saziningi ir atsargiau ziurekit kur einat - galit ikrist i indisku srutu duobe, kaip tai atsitiko lorpak |
2013-09-16 10:41 #360109 1 1 | |
Having a good home, eating good food, wearing good clothes, are a means to living well; they are not the goals of our life. The quality of your life is decided by how peaceful and joyful you are.(Sadhguru)
2013-09-16 10:48 #360111 1 1 | |
The most miraculous thing in this existence in terms of instruments, is not the computer, car or spacecraft, but the human mind. It is the most miraculous thing if only you could use it consciously.
Your mind can be in five different states. It can be inert. That means it is not activated at all, it is in a rudimentary state. Inert minds are not a problem. Someone who is very simple-minded and whose intellect is still not effervescent has no trouble. He eats well, he sleeps well. It is only the people who think who have trouble sleeping. Simple-minded people perform all the activities of the body far better than the so-called intellectual people because it needs some intelligence to cause disturbance and chaos. But an inert mind is closer to animal nature than the possibility of what it means to be human. The moment you pump some energy into an inert mind, it becomes active, but it could be scattered. If you energize the mind further, the mind comes to a place where the mind is not so scattered, but it is oscillating – one day it is this way, another day that way. This is a huge improvement over being scattered moment to moment. If you energize it further, it slowly becomes one-pointed – that is far better. But the most important thing is the mind should become a conscious process. The reason why success comes so easy and naturally for one person and is a struggle for another is because one person thinks the way he wants to think and another person thinks against himself.(Sadhguru) |
2013-09-16 21:26 #360285 1 | |
lorpak [2013-09-16 10:48]: The most miraculous thing in this existence in terms of instruments, is not the computer, car or spacecraft, but the human mind. It is the most miraculous thing if only you could use it consciously. Loretuk, gal zinai kur Dronas dingo? Kazkaip nesimato |
2013-09-17 11:36 #360354 1 1 | |
What do you mean by this “world”? What you see is Carbohydrates, Proteins and amino acids etc., isn’t it? (Laughter) That is what everything is ultimately made up of. But these are hollow and empty. It is the mind which is restless and goes up and down at times. Lights of different colours are glowing within each person. In some the lamp of anger is glowing, in some it is the lamp of jealousy etc. Just like the Diwali or Christmas lights which change their colour too from time to time, just like how the top of the Vishalakshi Mantap changes its colours when the lights come on in the evening. Everything is composed of particles at the fundamental level.
I was invited to CERN, Switzerland where they conduct research about particles and recently discovered the ‘God’ particle (referring to the discovery of the Higgs-Boson particle as the smallest indivisible particle and unit of matter). I met the scientists who work there. It was all very interesting. They all had a glow on their faces, like they are living in the present moment. One of them said,’ I joined here as an intern while I was studying Particle Physics. I researched for forty years only to find out that particle I was researching on does not exist!’ It is only because of the observer that matter is perceived to consist of particles. If we (as observers) are not there, then it too would not exist. I gave them the book on Yoga Vashishtha (a sacred scripture which elaborates the path of liberation through the dialogue between Sage Vashishtha and Lord Rama), and another one named ‘Creation’ written by our devotees Dr. D.K. Hari and Mrs. Hema Hari. They were very similar. When I asked them why was titled as the God particle and how they discovered it, they told me a very beautiful thing, They said, ‘Gurudev, we initially thought to call this particle as the ‘God of all particles’, because it is the fundamental particle from which everything else is made up. But then the media said that such a title would be inappropriate and we should change it to ‘God particle’. So that is how the name happened’. |
2013-09-17 11:50 #360355 | |
Kartotis kazkas pradeda. Ar bent dali spamo pameni ? |
2013-09-17 12:58 #360363 | |
Tuoj viagros spama ar penis enlargement kas nors prades metyt, jej tik sliux nuo to kapses babkes
2013-09-17 14:08 #360393 | |
...puiku, kad studijuoji taip postus. Pagirtina. Na, būna , kad Sri Sri tuos pačius dalykus pasakoja tai vienoje, tai kitoje auditorijoje... Čia jis pasakoja, kad žurnalistai pakeitė mokslininkų nustatytą terminą, kad antraštėse geriau atrodytų... Tai ir pakartojau..... Ta pati istorija - kitu aspektu... p.s. ...uogos užderėjo.... Unicornas prašuoliavo su Handrailu ant kupros.... |
2013-09-17 14:26 #360400 1 | |
Savo klaidą suvoki tuomet, kai atsiranda nekaltumas. Nesvarbu kokia klaida bebūtų įvykusi, nelaikyk savęs nusidėjėliu, nes šį momentą jau esi kitas – naujas, tyras ir švarus. Praeities klaidos yra praeitis. Kuomet įgauni šį suvokimą - vėl tampi tobulas.
2013-09-17 22:32 #360505 | |
844478 09-05 11:34
850680 09-16 10:00 851385 09-17 14:26 |
2013-09-18 00:17 #360508 | |
lorpak, tu visiškai išsikvėpei kovodama su gyvuliniais.
Laikas daryti išvadas. Aš galiu padėti tik citatomis. Enjoy. "If idiots could fly, the sky would be like an airport." "Idiots emit bogons, causing machinery to malfunction in their presence. System administrators absorb bogons, letting machinery work again." Bitcoin accepted here - 1JjA1x5CgANZAvBWxyUChtys8Ebp9toVsY alus, pliusas music intel samsung LG_Electronics |
2013-09-18 01:24 #360512 | |
Pagal forumo taisykles, kiek pamenu, galintys privalo minusuoti žinutes, kurios yra įžeidžiančios, reklaminės, melagingos, spammas ir etc. Kadangi lorpak žinutės atitinka bent tris, o dažnai ir keturis iš mano įvardintų punktų, atlieku pareigą. Pataisykit, jei klystu.
2013-09-18 10:38 #360550 | |
Vidinės tendencijos formuoja tavo požiūrį ir elgesį, o išoriniai veiksniai palieka stiprius įspūdžius tavo prote. Dažnai tavo tendencijos sukelia išorines situacijas. Ir situacijos aplink tave formuoja tendencijas tavo viduje. Tai ir vadinama Karma.
2013-09-18 10:39 #360551 | |
lorpak, tu visiškai išsikvėpei kovodama su gyvuliniais. Laikas daryti išvadas. ...yra ir kitas pasakymas - šuo loja - karavanas eina..... |