Autorius | Žinutė |
2010-04-06 11:33 #102469 | |
teko skaityti, bendram isprusimui gerai, (su spekuliacija ar treidinimu si knyga nieko bendro neturi) skirta investuotojo kriterijams ir poziuriui apzvelgti...
bet jei tikiesi ten rasti kazka tokio stebuklingo kas gali pakeisti tavo poziuri ar pati gyvenima tai ten tikrai nieko panasaus nera ;) |
2010-05-02 23:21 #109839 1 | |
2010-09-21 14:58 #142971 | |
Gal kas turi "Trade like an O'Neil Disciple: How We Made 18,000% in the Stock Market"?
2010-09-27 20:09 #144247 2 | |
NYorker [2010-09-21 14:58]: Gal kas turi "Trade like an O'Neil Disciple: How We Made 18,000% in the Stock Market"? |
2010-09-27 20:53 #144258 | |
didelis dekui, netikejau
Rolandas [2010-09-27 20:09]:
NYorker [2010-09-21 14:58]: Gal kas turi "Trade like an O'Neil Disciple: How We Made 18,000% in the Stock Market"? |
2010-09-28 17:09 #144437 | |
Reading trading books is the cheapest yet effective way to acquire needed market knowledge. When I get started, like other new traders, I know nothing about trading. I asked questions in forums for recommendations, and tried to find the best trading books to learn from. Years later, after reading many trading books and spending lots of screen time, I came up with this list, which I believe can help new traders. Personally I learned a lot through reading these books.
Actually these ten books are somehow related. Both Market Wizards‘ book are interviews of top traders of our time. Most top traders recommend Reminiscences of s Stock Operator as a must read. Pit Bull was written by market wizard Martin Schwartz. Street Smarts was written by another market wizard Linda B. Raschke. The Taylor Trading Technique was Linda B. Raschke’s recommendation. The goal of professional trading is Trading for a Living. Trading psychology and trading tactics are two important factors to achieve this goal. Trading in the Zone is by far the best trading psychology book. To assemble a successful trading tactics, Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets is the best technical analysis book; Japanese Candlesticks Charting Technique and Point & Figure Charting are the best charting tools to interpret market price action. Top 10 Trading Books Every Serious Trader Should Read: 1. Reminiscences of a Stock Operator by Edwin Lefevre There is no doubt that this book is on top of list. Reminiscences is a true classic. It was published 87 years ago (1923), and still read by traders around the world, professionals and amateurs alike. It’s the most recommended, and most quoted trading book ever written. This book chronicled Jesse Livermore’s trading career. Jesse Livermore is considered one of the best speculators ever. Reminiscences is full of trading wisdom. My favorite quotes have to be “there is only one side to the stock market; and it is not the bull side or the bear site, but the right side”, and “there is nothing new in Wall Street… Whatever happens in the stock market today has happened before and will happen again.” 2. Market Wizards: Interviews with Top Traders by Jack D. Schwager A fantastic book allows a peek into the mind of the world’s most successful traders. Many top traders were interviewed in the book. Just to name a few, Richard Dennis, Paul Tudor Jones, Ed Seykota, Marty Schwartz, James B. Rogers, Victor Sperandeo, and Linda B. Raschke. Some of them already retired, while others are still going strong now days. You might get disappointed, if you are trying to find any specific trading techniques or trading secrets in the book. After finish reading these two books, you will understand there is no such thing as holy grail in professional trading. New traders can benefit from top traders’ market insight and how them deal with various trading challenges as well. The New Market Wizards: Conversations with America's Top Traders by Jack D. Schwager Another market wizard book by Schwager. 3. Pit Bull: Lessons from Wall Street's Champion Day Trader by Martin Schwartz Pit Bull was written by market wizard Martin Schwartz. In this book, Schwartz shared his journey from a dead-end financial analyst to Wall Street’s champion day trader. Schwartz won the U.S. Trading Championship in 1984. Schwartz is also a Champion Horse owner. It’s obvious that Schwartz has a champion heart. One particular useful tool I learned from this book is to use 10-day EMA as barometer to gauge the daily market behavior. A must read for serious day trader. 4. Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets by John J. Murphy This is the only book you ever need to study technical analysis. Murphy did a wonderful job to drive home various technical analysis topics in a straightforward and understandable manner. There is no need to repeat the importance of technical analysis to ones trading success. Most professional traders are using technical analysis to earn their butter and bread. For example, the author of Pit Bull, Martin Schwartz states, “I always laugh at people who say “I’ve never met a rich technician” I love that! It’s such an arrogant, nonsensical response. I used fundamentals for 9 years and got rich as a technician.” Unlike other technical analysis books’ dry reference written style, this book is well written and an excellent read. If you want read only one book about technical analysis, Murphy’s book should be your pick. 5. Trading in the Zone: Master the Market with Confidence, Discipline and a Winning Attitude by Mark Douglas Most novice traders have spent lots of time and energy to search Holy Grail in the trading. They tried all kinds of indicators and trading systems, and overlooked themselves are the most important factor of successful trading. This is a perfect book for learning trading psychology. If you have put your money on the line for awhile, you might already realize that the most important factor in trading success is not about finding a profitable trading system; trading psychology plays a rather significant yet often overlooked role. Trading in the Zone is the best trading psychology book. If you are still struggling to achieve consistent performance, you might experience some aha moment reading through this book. Have you ever been wondering why people use identical trading system while having different trading results. Trading psychology is the answer. So grab this book and learn to put trading psychology as your edge as well. 6. The Taylor Trading Technique by George Taylor This book was recommended by market wizard Linda B. Raschke. Well, I have to agree with Raschke that George Taylor definitely a better trader than writer. I don’t have a dyslexia, but I do feel I have one after reading. Don’t be fooled by the hard understandable writing style though, this is an excellent book which captures the essence of swing trading . Taylor divided trading days into three categories: buying day, selling day, and short sale day. Then there are certain trading strategies for each trading day. Short time traders shouldn’t miss this book. It might bury the information you have searched high and low for years. 7. Street Smarts: High Probability Short-Term Trading Strategies by Linda B. Raschke, Laurence A. Connors Linda B. Raschke was featured in the New Market Wizards. This book introduced quite a few high probability trading setups. It’s not necessary to use or even understand all of them. If you could just find one setup ring a bell, that would be good enough. My personal favorite trading setup is the range contraction. I found the NR4/ID, and NR7 patterns are quite reliable in currency trading. Other useful patterns to me include Wolfe Wave, morning news reversals, and big picture news reversals. Raschke’s analogy of trading to playing poker makes lots of sense to me, “The real discipline is in waiting for the right hands. You don’t have to play every hand but you must bet very aggressively when you have the best hand. Don’t bet money when the odds are not fully in your favor!” 8. Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques, Second Edition by Steve Nison Candlestick charts are originally used by legendary Japanese rice trader Homma Munehisa in 18th century, and introduced to western world by Steve Nison in last century. Candlesticks interpret price action in an quite unique way, which are perfect combination of eastern philosophy and western financial world. If you want to add candlesticks to your trading arsenal, look no further, this is THE book for you. Although there are some cheaper candlesticks books available, Nison‘s book is head and shoulders above others. Try to learn from the best resources, candlesticks could be your trading edge as well. 9. Trading for a Living: Psychology, Trading Tactics, Money Management by Dr. Alexander Elder The ultimate goal as a trader is to consistently take money out of the market. Trading might be the most challenge career ever. It is possible to trade for a living, and many already achieved the goal, for example the traders featured in Market Wizards. This book points out three important factors to trading success: psychology, trading tactics, and risk control, and offers practical suggestions to drive home each point. Study Guide did a wonderful job to help readers to check what they learned and how to implement those knowledge. 10. Point & Figure Charting: The Essential Application for Forecasting and Tracking Market Prices by Thomas J. Dorsey Among various charts, only point and figure charts can be used as a charting tool and a trading system as well. Since point & figure charts filter out pre-defined price fluctuation, it is great to identify major support and resistance levels, and take advantage of real breakouts or breakdowns. Trend following pretty much goes hand in hand with Point and Figure charting. For more information about the benefits of using P&F, please refer to Forex Trading with Point and Figure Charts.This book will teach you how to construct point & figure charts, identify bullish & bearish chart patterns, and project price objectives. A must read for P&F fans. If you haven’t read above books, please do yourself a favor and study them. It might be the best trading decision you have ever made. P.S. Iš šio sąrašo baigiau tik Market Wizards, tai galiu pasakyt, kad ši knyga tikrai verta dešimtuko. Pagrinde visi knygoje kalbinti pašnekovai kaip susitarę moko, kad sėkmę lemia *laiku užkirstas kelias nuostoliui (stop loss), *sekti tendenciją ir leisti pelnui augti kuo ilgiau, *laikyti optimalaus dyžio pozicijos, *niekada nedidinti nuostolingos pozicijos siekiant praskiesti nuostolį, *visada pildyti prekybos žurnalą, nes tik taip galima mokytis iš savo klaidų. Redaguota: Degalo (2010-12-09 15:47 ) |
2010-09-28 20:57 #144491 | |
sliux [2009-04-13 21:19]: Apie Elioto bangų naudojimą radau dar vieną neblogą skaitalą: Neskaičiau, bet užmetus akį atrodo labai nebloga. Ne tik dėstoma sausa teorija, bet ir pateikiama praktinių prekybos pavyzdžių. Nebeina parsisiųsti, gal būtų bent knygos pavadinimą sužinot? |
2010-09-29 19:10 #144779 | |
Too Big To Fail: Inside the Battle to save Wall Street
Paskaitykit sita, ispudinga knyga. FT ir Goldman Sachs Business Book of the year Awarda laimejusi siemet. Labai idomiai pateikiama viskas, su autoriaus pamastymais, kuris pats traderis. Ypac patiko jo mintis, jog visos tos taisykles, apribojimai, bandymas suvaldyti bonsus, rezervus - nieko neduos. Ne pinigai svarbu WS, o galia ir valdzia. Zmones tai uzveza, ir niekam nesvarbu kiek jie uzdriba, jie malonu buti valdingiem ir laimeti pastoviai. Tas nenugalimumo ir laimejimu jausmas ir privede prie to kad nebuvo imanoma sustoti, ar ne susimatysti, kad gali but blogai... Anyway paskaitykit. |
2010-11-11 12:33 #154331 | |
Kažkada forume geras žmogus dalinosi G. Kancerevyčiaus knyga "Finansai ir investicijos". Ar būtų galima tikėtis jos į
Plius prie to pačio: kokias rekomenduotumėte knygas (LTU/ENG kalbomis) apie fundamentalią analizę, konkrečiai - įmonių finansinę analizę? |
2010-12-22 23:55 #166022 | |
gal galėtų kas įkelt šias knygaS?
Market Wizards: Interviews with Top Traders by Jack D. Schwager Bodo Schaferio "Kelias į finansinę laisvę.Bestseleris Nr.1" (Tinka anglų kalba) Ačiū už pagalbą. Redaguota: nuba (2010-12-23 00:29 ) |
2010-12-23 10:34 #166056 1 | |
Norėčiau pabrėžti, kad knygos turi autorines teises. Ką tu vadini įkelti? Nori nemokamų knygų? Eik į biblioteką ir pasiimk. Autorinių teisių pažeidimas yra tokia pati vagystė kaip ir visos kitos.
2010-12-23 16:03 #166173 | |
Teisingo tik nereikia čia primest. Matomai visas thread'as tada vagysčių pilnas ir nekitaip. Kur anksčiau įdomu buvai.
Pasitaisau** gal kas žinote nuorodų, kur galėčiau rasti šias knygas? Tik nebandykit kelt, baikit, tikrai ne, nedarykit nusikaltimo, dar čia pradėsim vogt. Tiesiog gal žinot/matėt kur šį negerą reikalą atliko kiti ir galit pasidalint? Ačiū. |
2010-12-23 16:07 #166175 1 | |
Jeigu neturi pinigų knygoms, tai nėra ką galvoti apie investavimą. Ir baik putotis, Kalėdos artėja.
2010-12-23 16:53 #166189 | |
Ir vėl tu kalbi apie mane, ne pirkime esmė. O apie putojimąsį ne tau turbūt kalbėt. Taip, teisingai, su artėjančiom šventėm visus, nesipykime ir gyvenkime draugiškai.
2010-12-23 16:58 #166190 | |
Paaiskinimas: Giedrius is Kauno leidzia knygas, todel ir piktas del autoriniu teisiu vagysciu. Kiekvienas ziuri is savo varpines
linksmu svenciu |
2010-12-23 20:59 #166238 | |
nuba [2010-12-22 23:55]: Market Wizards: Interviews with Top Traders by Jack D. Schwager šita knyga domintų ir mane. Kad nerūstinti piktų žmonių prieš kalėdas, linką galima į PM mesti. Ačiū |
2010-12-24 01:24 #166254 2 | |
Pateikiu nuorodą į knygų lobyną:
Ar siųstis, spręskite kiekvienas pagal savo sąžinę. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ » Valstybės skola |
2011-03-09 11:56 #181016 | |
Neseniai perskaiciau lietuvio Roko Lukosiaus parasyta knyga " Investuotojo ispazintis" ir tikrai pasisemiau teigiamos informacijos ir paskatinimo imtis veiklos. Knyga parasyta lengva, suprantama forma net ir pradedanciajam investuotojui. Taip pat nenusivils ja perskaites ir patyres vilkas. Tikrai rekomenduoju. Gera investicija zengti i prieki ir tobuleti uz nedidele kaina.;)
2011-03-09 14:04 #181064 3 | |
nežinau, įpusėjau ir padėjau į lentyną. Per daug paprasta ta dėstymo kalba. Bent jau toks įspūdis susidarė, kad neverta gaišti laiko ir skaityti iki galo. Na bet čia tik mano nuomonė
2011-03-09 18:18 #181158 | |
Neskaiciau knygos, teko kazkazkada susidurt su juo investavimo klausimais tai toks vaizdas, kad nieko blatno jis negaletu parasyti. Beje FMI Finhill bankrutavo...