Autorius | Žinutė |
2010-11-10 22:15 #154209 | |
Joneliukas [2010-11-10 22:09]: Gal kas turit įtarimą, kada tiksliai OLF skelbs rezus? Pusmecio skelbe paskutine leidziama diena. Turiu įtarimą: "Dates of publishing of financial reports of JSC Olainfarm in 2010 ... 2010 / 6 months - 30-31.08.2010 2010 / 9 months - 29-30.11.2010 |
2010-11-11 09:47 #154279 | |
Dekui, VK
2010-11-28 19:43 #159168 1 | |
Artimiausiomis dienomis tikiuosi smagaus judesiuko šitoj pozicijoj
2010-11-30 16:38 #159747 | |
Success in Exports Allows Olainfarm to Exceed its Annual Profit Target in 9 Months Consolidated profit and loss statement of AS „Olainfarm” for three quarters of 2010 shows that the net profit of the company was 2.84 million lats (4.04 million euro). This represents an increase of 122% in profits and of 24% in sales compared to nine months of 2009. In the third quarter alone profit of a/s „Olainfarm” was by 130% bigger that during the third quarter of 2009 and reached 1.04 million lats (1.49 million euro). These results reflect the successful operations of „Olainfarm” on foreign markets, returns from investments in product promotion, new products and launches in new markets.. “This has clearly been the best third quarter in history of the Company. 2010 is particularly successful year for a/s „Olainfarm”, as in nine months we have exceeded the profit target for the year. Besides, increase in exports has allowed us to reduce prices for our products in Latvia, thus making them more affordable for people. Financial results make us set even higher goals and push the growth levels further," says Valerijs Maligins, Chairman of the Board of a/s „Olainfarm”. Šita chebrytė man patinka |
2010-11-30 20:21 #159862 1 | |
Joneliukas [2010-11-30 16:38]: Šita chebrytė man patinka Ne tik tau, bet ir man su Kvazaru. Šių rezultatai puikūs, kai daugelio kitų pasirodė prastesni už lauktus. |
2010-11-30 21:14 #159881 | |
Tikiuosi, kad ir rinka deramai sureaguos.. Nes P/E, EBITDA, ROE ir kiti rodikliai tiesiog švyti
2010-12-23 15:32 #166164 | |
A/s „OlainFarm” hereby announces the dates on which its financial reports will
be published in 2011: Unaudited financial report for 2010 will be published on February 28, 2011. Unaudited financial report for 1st quarter of 2011 will be published on May 31, 2011. Unaudited financial report for 2 quarters of 2011 will be published on August 31, 2011. Unaudited financial report for 3 quarters of 2011 will be published on November 30, 2011 Lauksiu ir ateinančiais metais rekordinių rezultatų. |
2011-01-31 13:29 #173622 1 | |
Валерий Малыгин: «Акции Olainfarm должны стоить около 3 латов» |
2011-02-24 11:08 #178050 | |
Kiek pagal šią info suprantu, latvių Swedbank atliko Olainfarm analizę. Įdomu būtų ją perskaityti. Deja, negaliu įeiti į latvių Swedbank analitiką: Gal kur nors kitur yra prieinama tokia informacija? |
2011-03-01 15:58 #179061 | |
Nors paskelbti Latvijos farmacijos bendrovės „Olainfarm“ 2010 m. IV ketv. grynasis pelnas šiek tiek neatitiko „Swedbank Markets“ analitikų prognozės, jie nepakeitė įmonės akcijos tikslinės kainos – 3,2 LVL ir paliko rekomendaciją akcijas pirkti. |
2011-03-01 18:10 #179096 | |
be 3lvl ner ko atidaviet OLF
95% - P2P, pelnas iš P2P virš 100%
2011-04-15 11:48 #190055 1 | |
2011-04-17 21:35 #190328 1 | |
2011-04-17 23:27 #190331 1 | |
gausim divu
95% - P2P, pelnas iš P2P virš 100%
2011-04-18 09:24 #190350 | |
Ir šiaip toliau chebrytė neblogai virina.
Preliminary results of “Olainfarm”: sales in 1st quarter have increased by 28% 2011.04.15. Preliminary sales figures of AS “Olainfarm” for the first quarter of 2011 show the sales increase by 28% compared to similar period a year ago, thus the sales have reached 7.84 million lats (11.6 million euro). The most rapid sales growth has been experienced in Bulgaria - by 350%, Belarus by 117%, Uzbekistan by 87%, Ukraine by 80%, Latvia by 75%, and Italy by 61%. The main sales markets of AS “Olainfarm” during the first quarter of 2011 were Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Latvia. Augant pajamoms, o pastoviesiems kaštams liekant panašiame lygyje tikiuosi, kad vėl pelniuką augins dešimtimis procentų.. |
2011-04-18 18:33 #190544 | |
Distribution of net profit of 2010.
Draft resolution: To use 352 126.95 lats (501 031.51 euros) from the net profit of AS “Olainfarm” of 2010 to pay dividends to shareholders kiek vienai akcijai? |
2011-04-18 18:40 #190547 | |
paimi sumą, padalini iš akcijų skaičiaus ir gauni divų sumą vienai akcijai ... negi mokykloje aritmetikos nesimokei?
2011-04-18 19:19 #190554 | |
traders1 [2011-04-18 18:33]: Distribution of net profit of 2010. Draft resolution: To use 352 126.95 lats (501 031.51 euros) from the net profit of AS “Olainfarm” of 2010 to pay dividends to shareholders kiek vienai akcijai? 0,025 Ls vienai akcijai. SAF, SFG, EGR, TAL, LNS, NEO, SAB, TEL, Bitcoin.
2011-04-18 20:09 #190561 | |
Dividentai simboliniai, nes jiems skiriama tik 10% pernykščio pelno.
Man tinka jų sprendimas dividentams skirti tik mažą dalį pelno, nes dabar jie labai auga, tad dabar verta ir efektyvu investuoti į augimą. |
2011-05-12 10:50 #194846 1 | |
Sales of “Olainfarm” grew by 65% in April: |