Autorius | Žinutė |
2011-02-28 14:55 #178746 | |
“What’s happening in this country? We give up massive amounts at the top in tax cuts and then we turn around and we squeeze the poorest of the poor. We cut grants for higher education in the same month that the President tells us that it is key for our competitiveness… This is absurd what we are doing. And we are going to keep driving down the poorest of the poor… This is a game that is going to come to head in a bad way. Do we really have to have our own Egypt here in the United States or are we actually going to understand that we have a society where half the people have no voice at all… Both parties are financed by wealthy people… Everyone caters for the top and then we hear about how hard it is at the bottom; about how hard it is to cut the community development programs… |
2011-02-28 19:13 #178835 | |
ilgai, bet gan idomiai: "Whether national populations realize it or not, these uprisings are against systemic global economic policies that are strategically designed to exploit the working class, reduce living standards, increase personal debt and create severe inequalities of wealth. These global uprising, which have only just begun, are the first wave of the inevitable reaction to the implementation of a centralized worldwide Neo-Feudal economic order. The global banking cartel, centered at the IMF, World Bank and Federal Reserve, have paid off politicians and dictators the world over — from Washington to Greece to Egypt. In country after country, they have looted national economies at the expense of local populations, consolidating wealth in unprecedented fashion – the top economic one-tenth of one percent is currently holding over $40 trillion in investible wealth, not counting an equally significant amount of wealth hidden in offshore accounts. IMF imperial operations designed to extract wealth and suppress populations have been ongoing for decades. A centrally planned Neo-Liberal aristocracy controls the global economy". |
2011-03-04 12:36 #179909 | |
44.1mln. amerikieciu on food stamps...Ben'o wealth effect in action |
2011-03-14 08:50 #182020 | |
atrodo ir US po truputi kaista: |
2011-04-03 19:56 #187516 | |
trumpas, kiek filosofinis, straipsnis, bet labai idomiu kampu
5000 metu istorijos: kaip susije skola, vergove ir karine jega; aukso/sidabro ir kredito ciklai ir esama padetis istoriniame kontekste. |
2011-04-09 09:04 #188837 | |
kadangi dar viena salis verciama isparduoti valstybes turta ir tarnauti banksteriams- truputis perspektyvos. The EU is a network of permanent officials that spans national capitals to take politics out of the democratic fray. It’s the process of locking important areas of political decision-making (from the economy to justice and security-policing our civil liberties), inside a bureaucratic, public-free zone of EU governance without government. It’s never been clearer when you glance at the impending EU-IMF austerity programme for Portugal. I hope and trust that the Portuguese people, and other true Europeans, are not going to take this lying down. The coming crisis is a crisis of states not financial institutions. It will be a crisis of politics The huge liabilities created for public budgets by the political decision - Governments do not have to borrow from private investors. Governments did not have to overstretch themselves, creating trillions in contingent liabilities to bail out banks. ir dar apie Airija: Danger! EU aid Ireland was forced into this loan and Irish people will be paying it off at profiteering rates for years to save the big banks (and the big Treasuries that have bailed them out) of Britain, Germany and France. There’s a word for this sort of aid and the word is extortion. The EU has become the mechanism by which big countries, such as Britain and Germany, coerce small countries, such as Ireland, in their own protectionist interests. |
2011-04-09 09:14 #188838 | |
Greece, Ireland, Portugal must get on its knees and confess its helplessness, powerlessness and “interdependency” to come back into the club of the civilised-Van Rompuy-style EU. Ireland, like all of us, must learn its place. We are all subject peoples now – or so the EU or managerial outlook would have it. Van Rompuy, the ECB and EU’s view will not see nation states disappear but rather the question of sovereignty – who rules – will be hidden behind a public-free zone of “rules-based” administration and management. Popular sovereignty, increasingly painted as a dark and dangerous force, will be decoupled from national interests which will merely become bureaucratically expressed differences between civil servants of different nationalities. When popular sovereignty is expelled by the managerial administrators, the people become a threat or a problem to be managed and ignored. Government becomes a process, clearly hinted at here, defined by insulating decisions from democracy, from public accountability. |
2011-04-09 10:22 #188843 1 | |
islandu rasytojas Andri Snær Magnason tiksliai apibudino:
"The crisis didn't happen suddenly, by chance, by pure coincidence, because thirty guys turned into monsters, but because our system made them monstrous. The financial sector made people kings, and corrupted them. As long as we don't change this (financial sector), nothing will change in Iceland." ar mes lietuviai tai suprantame? ar tikimes, kad zaisdami pagal sios sistemos taisykles ir ju nekvescionuodami busime apdovanoti, priimti i "kluba" ir salis suklestes? naivu, nes realybe, deja, kitokia: busime praskolinti, valstybinis turtas prichvatizuotas ir tauta apkrauta skolomis ir palukanomis "tarptautiniams kreditoriams" (is esmes reparacijomis). Ir lupama vietiniu "vaduku" rankomis didinant mokescius, mazinant paslaugas ir aiskinant kad "nera kitos alternatyvos". p.s. Visuomis nepavyko, bet miskininku, kelininku centralizavimas, gelezinkeliu reorganizavimas stumiasi pilnu tempu. Beliks perristi raudonu kaspineliu ir nunesti i bankeriu lombarda. p.p.s. Esminis skirtumas tarp USSR ir EU yra, kad vazinejant i Maskva vietiniu vadu ir tautos interesai sutapdavo. Briuselio valdymo metu vietiniu valdanciuju interesai su tautos interesais deja nesutampa visose pavergtose salyse. Todel tik laiko klausimas kada visas sis katilas "uzvirs". |
2011-04-10 11:47 #188932 1 | |
zurnalas kie bulvarinis, bet tema rimta ir autorius (J.Stiglitz) taip pat. O ivykiai palies turbut visus be isimties. The top 1 percent have the best houses, the best educations, the best doctors, and the best lifestyles, but there is one thing that money doesn’t seem to have bought: an understanding that their fate is bound up with how the other 99 percent live. Throughout history, this is something that the top 1 percent eventually do learn. Too late. o cia vaizdine problemos santrauka problema pasekmes gyvai |
2011-04-14 11:54 #189815 | |
kol kolegos uzsieme "didesniu kvailiu", kurie apmokes ju pelnus ir margin'u skolas (Ben'as to nezadejo)- pratesiu monologa pie aplinka, kurioje spekuliuojame, ir tiketinus jos pokycius.
Turbut geriausiai (trumpai, tiksliai ir aiskiai) tai, kas vyksta pasaulyje (is ekonomines, socialines ir galiausiai politines perspektyvos) apibudina Michael Hudson strapisnyje apie Islandija ir kitas salis: yra cia ir pastraipa apie Latvija bei "Baltijos Tigrus", kurie aiskiai nesuvokia kas juos dresiruoja: The Baltic Tigers had led the way, and should have stood as a warning to the rest of Europe. Latvia set a record in 2008-09 by obeying EU Economics and Currency Commissioner Joaquin Almunia’s dictate and slashing its GDP by over 25% and public-sector wages by 30%. Latvia will not recover even its 2007 pre-crisis GDP peak until 2016 – an entire lost decade spent in financial penance for believing neoliberal promises that its real estate bubble was a success story. |
2011-05-11 17:52 #194737 4 | |
kiek apdulkejo tema, metas atnaujinti
Wall Street Journal spausdina Timo Soini("Tikrieji suomiai") poziuri-aiskiai apie tai, ka ir taip matome: To understand the real nature and purpose of the bailouts, we first have to understand who really benefits from them. We'll begin with the obvious: It is not the little guy who benefits. He is being milked and lied to in order to keep the insolvent system running. He is paid less and taxed more to provide the money needed to keep this Ponzi scheme going. Meanwhile, a symbiosis has developed between politicians and banks: Our political leaders borrow ever more money to pay off the banks, which return the favor by lending ever more money back to our governments. The money did not go to help indebted economies. It flowed through the European Central Bank and recipient states to the coffers of big banks and investment funds. Why did the Brussels-Frankfurt extortion racket force these countries to accept the money along with "recovery" plans that would inevitably fail? Because they needed to please the tax-guzzling banks, which might otherwise refuse to turn up at the next Spanish, Belgian, Italian or even French bond auction. Unfortunately for this financial and political cartel, their plan isn't working... |
2011-05-17 18:15 #195612 1 | |
cia gan trumpai ir idomiai isdestyta US finansine istorija nuo pirmuju CB sukurimo, prezidentu kovos su jais ir kur esame siuo metu: |
2011-06-02 12:29 #198696 | |
daug skaiciu, grafiku- ilgai ir nuosekliai: o isvada galima nusakyti vienu sakiniu: "This level of pillaging by those in control of the finance sector of the economy, supported by their mouthpieces in Congress, and championed by their controlled media pundits, has reached a level that will eventually lead to revolution". |
2011-06-02 12:34 #198698 | |
Kodel siandien neprekiaujama akcijom birzoje nepranesa , nei vienas portalas. Stai jums ir etika. Cia ir dabar.
2011-06-06 12:42 #199180 | |,1518,766518,00.html
apie ka raso "Der Spiegel" atsigaunancioje Vokietijoje? "What went wrong is that Greece is in the process of being colonized by the global banker cartel". "Those who govern us are now being governed by the banks. That's the situation". "Those (countries) who make demands will quickly find themselves up against the banks". And at Deutsche Bank's annual meeting last Thursday, CEO Ackermann crowed that the bank was in the process of "bringing in the harvest." But the harvest of what? And from what seed? (cia reiktu priminti kad butent Ackermann ka tik buvo privaciai susitikes su Graikijos ministru pirmininku) Citizens feel treated unfairly when politicians fulfill the banks' wishes with billions in bailouts while ignoring the wishes of citizens. One could see the whole thing as a duel between politicians and the financial markets -- but if it is, the politicians aren't looking good. Financial companies are not obligated to serve the general good. They are under no pressure to legitimize their actions, they operate in a secretive way, and they pursue a clear goal that they are wildly determined to achieve: high yields. Pretty much everyone recognizes that it would be fair to involve the banks in the rehabilitation of Greece. But hardly any politicians dare to pursue such a course with any consistency. The banks and investment firms now play the role once held by the gods. Hardly anyone dares to criticize them, and fear of their wrath guides the behavior of politicians. But banks role should be that of participants, not of supervisors and criminal judges. Only a largely debt-free nation is a sovereign nation |
2011-07-07 18:50 #204004 | |
turbut geriausia sios temos santrauka vienoje vietoje is ivairiu saltiniu:
Economy can not recover as long as inequality continues to grow ir nesvarbu kurioje barikadu puseje butumet- tokia tendencija anksciau ar veliau sukels revoliucija. |
2011-07-20 22:07 #206537 1 | |
paprasta ir akivaizdu (su daug zinomu zmoniu citatu ir nuorodu):
We’re going into a never-ending depression unless we repudiate the debt, which never should have been extended in the first place kaip sis procesas ivyks? budai is esmes yra tik du: "blogiukai susipras" arba "gerieciai juos nuvers" |
2011-07-24 01:33 #207081 | |
Taip Siaures Vejau, taip - mano mintys seniai panasios ir ne tik mano. ukip uk, ron paul ir kiti saukliai jau seniai yra. Dabar lieka belaukti tik "isvajotos" revoliucijos? Kada bus? juokas pro ašaras.....
Juodžiausia tamsa būna prieš aušrą.
Kas genialu tas paprasta, bet neatvirkščiai. |
2011-07-25 16:23 #207239 | |
juk is esmes tokia paprasta ir amzina vadybos/valdymo tiesa:
"maza zmogeli" tiesiog reikia myleti ar bent jau parodyti siek tiek demesio ir pagarbos- dazniausiai atsakas bus visiskas lojalumas ir... taika pasaulyje deja deja- arogancija ir represija yra vyraujanti valdymo strategija su visomis jos pasekmemis... bet toks valdymo budas juk neturi nei palaikymo nei pagarbos, todel is esmes yra pasmerktas. |
2011-09-06 18:32 #215630 | |
Nassim Taleb ("The Black Swan" autorius) labai i tema :
The Great Bank Robbery |