Autorius | Žinutė |
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2011-10-22 22:32 #223761 |
Na gali saulės batareiką pasidaryti arba Dormeo čiužinį... Vandens filtrą ar elektroschemą... Padengti stogą sidabru... Išsilieti grandinę... Unitazą... Na supratai... |
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2011-10-22 23:10 #223762 |
Sidabro konferencijos išvados: 1. TGR: Many people call precious metals an insurance policy and recommend it be about 10% of a balanced portfolio. What do you see as a reasonable level of physical precious metals? JT: It depends how much cash is in your portfolio. And that depends on a variety of factors, including comfort level, age and goals. The historical norm is that you should have 10% of your portfolio in the precious metals. But since gold and silver are so undervalued and national currencies are being destroyed by central bank policies around the world, I think at the minimum you probably want to have 25% of your portfolio in gold and in silver. I am talking about physical gold and physical silver. But the general rule is the older you are, the less willing you should be to take risks, which means that you want to have even more liquidity in your portfolio. So, as you get older, you should be well above that 25% of your portfolio in physical gold and physical silver. 2. There is another big difference between gold and silver. Gold is already in the second stage of its bull market. Every bull market has three stages. Stage one is apathy and neglect. Stage two is when you start seeing price appreciation. That is the longest stage, when more people become involved by purchasing the metal. The third stage is the speculative blowoff. Silver is still in stage one of its bull market even though gold is in stage two. Silver won't get into stage two with a lot more people coming into the market until it goes over $50/oz., which was the high in January 1980, the record all-time high price in silver. Inflation adjusted, that would be almost $500/oz. today. That really illustrates the debasement of the U.S. dollar over the past three decades. 3. TGR: The silver equities, as with the gold equities, have not increased at the same rate as the metals. Why do you think that has been? Do you see that changing? JT: I think it is changing. Mining stocks were in a bear market from the time of the Bre-X mining scandal in the late 1990s until the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008. The negative sentiment during that period was due to both the allegations of fraud and the emergence of hedging programs that turned people off of the industry. Rising input costs also squeezed mining margins during that time, resulting in declining profits despite rising precious metals prices. All of that has changed since 2008. It first started changing slowly, and now it is changing more rapidly. You can see the change particularly in the cash flow that the mining companies are starting to generate. Some mining companies are even announcing dividend increases because of the strong cash flow. We are in stage one of the mining company shares. Over the past couple of weeks, as the precious metals came back to retest support, the mining shares have come back to retest support as well. The second stage of the mining shares bull market is, I think, about ready to begin. We can expect much higher prices in the months immediately ahead for all the gold mining and silver mining shares. |
2011-10-23 10:56 #223796 | |
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2011-10-23 13:03 #223799 |
Prastas straipsnis - kažkas apie kažką, o info 0...
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2011-10-23 20:00 #223858 |
Parshiukas [2011-10-16 23:55]: Jo, bent ant aukso galima shortą uždėti. Iki 1611 galėtų ir nusileisti. Per savaitę. Sidabrui nusimato malimasis 33- 31. Savaitei. Tep, savaitei galima pamatyti auksą link 1680, o sidabras iki 32,5. Tik spėk orderius statyti. Įdomu ir Handrail analizus pamatyt... Redaguota: Parshiukas (2011-10-23 20:32 ) |
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2011-10-24 11:57 #223946 |
markus [2011-10-21 16:22]: kiek tau reikia LEO ? Pabaltyje niekas neprekiauja uz rinkos kaina,yra tokiu kaip tavo mineti 9999 visokie ar tavexsai,ar dar panasios kontoros,jie uzsimete ir tai suprantama,nes cia tikie dalykai kad pirkai ir pridavei uz ta vadinama rinkos kaina,dar negime, jie patys perkasi aukstesnemis kainomis nei rinkos is banku ar kalyklu germanu salyse,plius dar uzsimeta kastus uz verslo licenzijas,mokesciai kubilistanui,transportas,darbuotojams,del pvm nesu tikras ar privalo.Siaip jei keliauji po ES, pasigooglink rasi tikrai kas parduoda bent arciau rinkos.Arciausiai austrija.Ir pamirsk ten visokius po 1kg is tu kontorkiu.Jei pirksi nedidelemis sumomis pirk 1 uncijos monetomis,paprasciau parduoti,ir nereikia viso kg iskisineti, geriau labiau zinomu tokiu kaip USA ereliai,kanados ( 9999 praba ),austru philharmanijos,australu kokiu tik nori,dar pandos kitaicu ( cia kaip atrodo tos uncijos ),galima ir luiteliais,bet geriau kad butu zinomu firmu ikalimai,pagrinde sveicaru ir austru.Bent as taip darau.Dar gali nebegti ant taurakalnio jei vilniuje gyveni,sestadieniais,nuo 8 val.,bet ten jei nelabai pazysti ka reikia,tai permokesi ir nesuprasi.Ir be to ten gali uzsirauti ir ant ostapo benderio palikuoniu ![]() Markus, labai ačiū už išsamų patarimą, stengsiuos protingai juo ir pasinaudoti ![]() |
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2011-10-25 21:25 #224344 |
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2011-10-26 02:07 #224404 |
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2011-10-26 09:40 #224417 |
paskutinis sakinys patiko.
2011-10-26 09:47 #224418 | |
Paršiuk, ką sako tavo mikaldos kamuolys? Ar sidabras ir auksas pasiekę rimtus pasipriešinimo lygius užsitvirtino ir važiuos tolyn ar tikėkimės apačion? Aš žinau, kad tu tiki, bet... :-)
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2011-10-26 13:01 #224466 |
kai zmogus prakalba apie rimtus pasiprieshinimo lygius..tai mikaldos ir belieka skaityti.
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2011-10-26 23:19 #224620
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Mikaldos kamuolys sako kad koreguosimės nedaug, gal iki 1650... O toliau lėtai aukštyn... Iki vėl kokio bankroto... Bet kadangi esam bulių antrojoj fazėj galime pamatyti super judesių, tikėtina labiau į viršų. Tada koks Obamius su Bernanke vėl bandys numušt kainą, bet kitaicai vėl viską nupirks, taigi lėtai aukštyn... Ir bankai turėjo progos savo shortus uždaryti, taigi kai aišku tai beveik ir saugu... Sidabras nu iki kokio 31,4 gali leistis...
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2011-10-26 23:38 #224627 |
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2011-10-27 10:09 #224702 |
2011-10-28 00:21 #225007 | |
2011-10-28 01:59 #225019 | |
Kapi, paskaičiuok pats. Jei paršas šitų pozicijų neuždarė per šiandienos LND sesijos pradžią arba tarkim per aziją, šitos sąskaitos jau nebėr.
2011-10-28 02:48 #225022 | |
As suprantu, todel ir ydomu kaip uki tvarko
![]() parsho ir neber ![]() Redaguota: kapi-sonas- (2011-10-28 21:16 ) |
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2011-10-29 16:49 #225233 |
Parshas sulaukė svečių iš vienos vokiškai kalbančios šalies. Parshui buvo pasiūlyta 2000 Eu alga, nes jis sugeba burbuliuot 6 kalbom, o rašyt nemoka. Bet kai išgirdo kad darbas 12 val per dieną ir net šeštadieniais, jis pasiūlė pasieškoti kitų pretendentų... O toje firmoje tokia darbuotojų kaita... Vienžo... Vergų nebus!
O euras stop lossino, sidabrą uždariau. Helowynas! |
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2011-10-29 22:51 #225253 |
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2011-10-30 23:35 #225296 |
Pasižiūrėjau čia didžiųjų bubblų ir aukso - sidabro bubblų išdėstymą viename grafike. Tai gaunas taip, kad neužilgo metalai tiesiog padvigubės patrigubės per kokius šešis mėnesius ar metus. Įsivažiuojam, tik su svertu čia yra risky.