Autorius | Žinutė |
2012-01-10 14:27 #244840 1 | |
...kelias iš jos yra ne vienas. hmmmm..... ar yra dar ieškančių netiesos?! O kam jos ieškoti - ji ir taip save bruka. |
2012-01-12 11:21 #245266 | |
Tomorrow is Christmas. In the Bible, Jesus said, 'Unless you become like a child, you cannot get into the kingdom of heaven.'
In Hindi, they say 'Bhole bhaav mile raghurayi' - one who lacks innocence can never find Ram. So, maintain your innocence. How to maintain innocence? Know that God is One for everyone and be natural with everyone. Inside everyone there is a power. Parama atma means what - that which is present everywhere; that which is omnipresent. So, will it not be present within us? If it is not present within me, it is not Parama atma. And if it is forever, then it exists in the present also. It is not that it was present previously and will appear again in the future. Parama atma is always there, and therefore is here right this very moment. Resting with this knowledge is meditation - Parama atma is here, in the present, within me. If you rest with this thought, all the restlessness in the mind will quiet down. Once the mind is silenced, Boom! A radiance will be experienced. This is what everyone had been in search of. For how many lifetimes we had been in search of this, and then one realizes, 'I am THAT!' Aham brahmasmi. 'Tat tvam asi' - 'You are THAT which you are in search of.' If you close your eyes and rest and meditate a little bit in the knowledge of 'You are THAT', as you go deep, you will also realize, 'I am THAT.' Once you experience this, all your work will get done effortlessly! So, meditation is a very big gift to us. |
2012-01-12 12:35 #245295 | |
December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everybody. 2012 is just a week ahead. It is a very good year, like every year. Don’t worry about doomsday; it is not going to come. People will wake up to truth and reality and all the false people will go to the background. People who have done wrong things will slide backwards and those in the right direction will move forward. From March onwards a big change will come. If you see the world through your heart, it is very different. See the world through your heart and then you will find that there is so much beauty, so much love, so much innocence and such good intentions in people. If we see the same world through the head then we find a lot of cunningness, a lot of mistrust and doubts. All these come when you see the world through the head. When you see through the heart, it is a little world. But both are needed. You can’t be naïve and see the world only through the glasses of the heart. Sometimes you need to see through the head, a perfect balance of the two. There are some who are stuck in their head and some who are always in an emotional mess. Both are incomplete. Yoga is that perfect balance between heart and head |
2012-01-13 15:10 #245598 | |
Either you can see God or you can see the world. You can’t see both. You have to choose one.
If you want to see God, I’ll show you right away: Stop seeing the differences. Stop seeing the world. Quantum physics can see God. Know that this all is one, that everything is made up of One. It is an illusion that there is this person and that person. It is an illusion that there is this object and that object. All objects are made up of One. We are like in a hologram. One light beam makes the hologram. It appears to be an object but it is not an object, it is just light’s play and display. This whole universe is a play and display of light which appears to be different. There is nothing but God on this planet. If you sit in a movie show, whatever you see on the screen is just light passing through, that’s all. Light is passing through a running film and appears to be different things, different people and different incidents. Like this, the whole world is a play and display of one consciousness. There is no matter and there is no energy. There is no you, there is no me, there is no this, there is no that. It is all just One. That is it! You sit still. In the Bible it says, ’Be still and know that I am God.’ It is the mind that sees the differences. The intellect perceives the differences. Transcend the intellect and be still. There is only one thing. You can’t say One, because to say One, you need to have two. If you say something is complete, then you have to be outside of it and say it is complete. The ancient people were so brilliant that you would be amazed. They said, non-dual, there is no two. To say One is wrong. Only two can say it is One. That there is no two is the best way to express it. That is what is called advaita (non-dual) but dvaita means dual. This is like the pure science, like the quantum physics. You can experience, you can know it, but in practical life, you have to come one step down. You have to acknowledge the duality, the multiplicity in the creation. The table, chair, roof, door, is all made up of wood here and that is a fact. But you can’t use the chair for a door and a door for a chair. From that level, you have to operate in duality. So the Periodic Table in chemistry is also true and Quantum physics is also true. Both talk about the same matter. |
2012-01-13 21:54 #245741 | |
o man atrodo, kad jei kokios nors idejos negalima pasakyti trumpai ir aiskiai, tai arba ta ideja ne ideja, arba sakytojas ne sakytojas, o siaip plepys.
2012-01-13 21:57 #245742 | |
ar nenoretumete labai trumpai ir nefilosofiskai parasyti, kas yra LAIME, o dar geriau : aprasyti LAIMINGA DIENA IR SAVE, LAIMINGA ZMOGU TOJE DIENOJE? penkiais sakiniais. Arba savo SVAJONE 5 sakiniais, ka?
Man rodos, smagu butu paskaityti nors 4 -5 tokius rasinelius, kaip manote? |
2012-01-16 12:27 #246062 | |
Du žinių tipai
Yra du žinių tipai. Pirmasis tai yra tikrosios žinios, o antras yra taikomosios žinios. Taikomosios žinios gali būti jums naudingos tiesiogiai ir tuojau pat, o tikrosios žinios duoda jums naudos netiesiogiai per ilgą laikotarpį. Jeigu yra kažkokių dalykų, kuriuos jūs studijavote ar supratote ir kurių negalite panaudoti praktikoje, nepraraskite pasitikėjimo. Kada nors ateityje, jeigu jūs neatsisakysite nepraktiškų žinių, jos bus jums naudingos. Dažnai žmonės atsisako tikrųjų žinių todėl, kad jų negalima tuojau pat pritaikyti. Iš tikrųjų šie du žinių tipai vienas kitą papildo. Taikomosios žinios liks silpnos be tikrųjų žinių. O tikrosios žinios be pritaikymo liks neįgyvendintos. Neatmeskite ir nevertinkite žinių kaip nepraktiškų. Nevertinkite savęs kaip silpno ar neverto todėl, kad negalite pritaikyti žinų savo kasdieniniame gyvenime. Kartais kai jūs būsite vienas gamtoje, tylus, vaikštinėsite, žiūrėsite į pakrantės smėlį, į paukštį danguje, ar medituosite - staiga žinio iškils ir jūs atpažinsite žinias užgimstančias jūsų gyvenime. |
2012-01-16 13:18 #246082 1 | |
yra tikrosios zinios !!!
2012-01-16 23:57 #246259 2 | |
saulute [2012-01-13 21:57]: Norite rasinelio, galima nenoretumete labai trumpai ir nefilosofiskai parasyti, kas yra LAIME, o dar geriau : aprasyti LAIMINGA DIENA IR SAVE, LAIMINGA ZMOGU TOJE DIENOJE? penkiais sakiniais. Arba savo SVAJONE 5 sakiniais, ka? Man rodos, smagu butu paskaityti nors 4 -5 tokius rasinelius, kaip manote? Svajones, svajoniu buna ivairiu, kiekvienas ju turi daug, taciau tik nedaugelis sugeba jas igyvendinti, mano svajones ( tikslai) isdestyti paeiliui, pagal galimybes jas igyvendinti cia ir dabar, 1. Pabaigti mokslus 2. Ismokti daugiau uzsienio kalbu 3. Verslas uzsienyje 4. Laiminga seima 5. Sveikata 6. Finansine nepriklausomybe Kiekviena diena atsikeles apie tai pagalvoju, kiekviena diena zinau, kad ir vel turesiu ka veikti, kiekviena diena prasminga, nors dazniausiai, keliesi su tamsa, guli taipat su ja, taciau kiekviena diena, bent zingsniu priartina arciau savo svajoniu, MAN svajoti patinka, ir dziaugiuosi kad sugebu SVAJOTI,,,, linkiu ir kitiems to, nes tik vaikysteje daugelis gebedavo svajoti, ir suaugus sia savybe uzmarsino, del to tapo riboti, ir sukaustyti remuose,,, AS svajoju Nori būti laimingas - neturėk tikslų ! :)
2012-01-17 09:52 #246280 3 | |
Jauskis dėkingas už savo būtį, už savo kūną ir viską, ką turi, už visą patirtą meilę. Šis dėkingumas atneš tau klestėjimą, džiaugsmą ir laimę.
2012-01-19 13:16 #246951 2 | |
Nepatogi situacija
"Kodėl kartais jautiesi nepatogiai? Ir kaip iš to išsivaduoji? Jeigu tu visuomet būdavai dėmesio centre, ir staiga atsiduri nuošalėje, gali pasijausti netinkamas. Panašiai, jeigu tu visada laikydavais atokiai ir staiga esi išstumtas į centrą, imi nerimauti. Jeigu tu esi įpratęs įsakinėti ir staiga tenka vykdyti įsakymus arba, jeigu tu paprastai tik vykdai nurodymus, ir esi priverstas duoti juos, tu pasijauti ne vietoje. Labai daug dirbantis žmogus, neturėdamas ką daryti, arba nesuvaržytas žmogus, kuriam tenka susidurti su nemenkais įsipareigojimais, ima nerimauti. Labai dažnai jausmas, kad esi ne vietoje ar netinkamas, blokuoja mąstymą ir iškraipo logiką. Jeigu situacija, kurioje esi, yra neišvengiama, toleruok ją. Jeigu gali jos išvengti, išeik iš jos. Jeigu jauti, kad tai gali išplėsti tavo gebėjimus, šypsokis toje situacijoje. Kiekviena nepatogi situacija išplečia zoną, kurioje jautiesi patogiai. Kiekviena nepatogi situacija tarsi testas - kaip giliai esi Žiniose. Pamėk kažką savo nepatogioje situacijoje. Tai padidins tavo komforto zoną. Kuomet zona, kurioje jautiesi patogiai išsiplečia, niekas negalės nuspausti tavo mygtukų, ir tapsi susitelkusiu bei nepajudinamu." |
2012-01-20 12:19 #247251 1 | |
: Dear Guruji, to what extent is money important? If you have the capacity to make more money and you do not make it, is it a mistake?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: It is up to you. Money is necessary but it should be in the pocket and not in the head. Otherwise any amount is insufficient. Today see America, whose currency rules the entire world, is in deep debt of trillions of dollars. What do you call America today, a rich country or a poor country? What would you call them? What I am saying is that you earn money but that is not the goal. Earn money but not at the cost of your health and not at the cost of your happiness because you spend your health to gain wealth and then you spend half the wealth to gain back health which doesn’t really happen. That is why I say, keep life in balance. Earn money, but at the same time don’t be too feverish about it. Live life happily in service of society. That brings you so much more satisfaction than just a fat bank balance. |
2012-01-23 14:12 #247776 | |
"Visur Kūrinijoje, kur tik pažvelgi, yra Dieviška meilė. Meilė yra aukščiausia jėga, didžiausia jėga ir pati natūraliausia."
2012-01-24 10:50 #247976 1 | |
Every time you are confused you grow one step higher.
Q: How can I believe in God when some people are so privileged, and others are so poor? Sri Sri: You think God is a person sitting there. (Sri Sri points upwards.) That is only in Michelangelo’s painting. God is not a person. God is a field of energy, like a magnetic field. The whole universe is pervaded by this field and made up of that substance. In meditation, we are in communion with this. But this is not a dead field like a magnetic field. It has life, consciousness. There are five attributes of God – God created this world, sustained it, dissolved it, he also blesses and veils it. Like air, although it is all around us, we only feel it when a fan is switched on. In the same way, we sometimes experience the blessing, but at other times God’s presence is veiled from us. Spiritual practices unveil God. Redaguota: lorpak (2012-01-24 11:25 ) |
2012-01-24 18:00 #248140 1 | |
isprotejo !
persikelsiu kur nors kitur, cia, atrodo, nepavyks ,,pafilosofuoti " )) |
2012-01-24 21:56 #248214 1 | |
Viskas normoj... sekam toliau...
O tau saulute 6viesti teks kurnors kitur |
2012-01-25 10:55 #248321 | |
"Trokšk ko nors didesnio. Trokšk paties aukščiausio. Nesirink nieko mažesnio. Tuomet Dieviškumas pasireikš tavyje."
When your focus is on the world, you will not see God. And when God is visible, the world becomes invisible. You can only see one of the two. Instead of beholding the world 24 hours, if one can contemplate God even for 24 minutes, it brings so much solace and comfort. Whatever you do in life, for at least twenty four minutes in twenty four hours, if you sit quietly and think, 'This world is nothing; I want nothing from it. I have no expectations of this world' - just this thought draws the mind inward. The mind will not withdraw inward as long as we desire position, prestige and wealth or appreciation from someone. For as long as one desires something, there is feverishness. Even for a little while if we say, 'I want nothing from this world', then at that time vivek (discrimination) awakens and the mind becomes happy and peaceful. |
2012-01-25 11:11 #248326 | |
Q: Guruji, truth exists, then why is there need for its authentication?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Demanding proof is a characteristic of the mind. Feelings do not ask for proof, the mind does. To satisfy and quiet the mind, proof is needed. But just holding on to it is also an obstacle. That is why in the tendencies of the mind pramana (proof), viparyaya (wrong knowledge), vikalpa (fantasy), nidra (sleep), smritayah (memory), all of these are considered tendencies, and one has to detach from these. Their restraint is yoga. You cannot eliminate proof. For as long as the intellect is there, it will demand proof. And there is no need to eliminate it. Just be aware of it and move on. 'Yoga buddhi paratattva sah', the Self or God element is beyond intellect. |
2012-01-25 11:16 #248327 | |
Q: Guruji, is it true that the relationship of a wife and husband lasts seven lifetimes? If this is true, I want moksha in this lifetime itself because in seven lifetimes I will become too frustrated!
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: My dear, how do you know if this isn't the seventh one already! It might also be the sixth or the first. Just pray! Ask your wife also how she is faring. You are so frustrated, so ask your partner how frustrated or happy she is. It is impossible for one to be frustrated and the other one to be happy. Both get frustrated. Whatever it is, just celebrate. |
2012-01-25 11:22 #248330 | |
Q: It is said that winners stand alone. Is it really winning if you stand alone at the top?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: First of all, take this concept of top and bottom out of your mind. Every place is unique. If someone has kept you on the top then it is the efforts of all those who are at the bottom. They are the basis. In a building, the top floor is not as important as the ground floor. If the basement is strong then we can raise any number of floors. So, if you happen to be on the top, be totally humble. That humility needs to be there, only then you are on the top. The more you go up, the more humble you become. Humility is the sign of success. And when there is humility then there are no obstacles. Everything keeps on happening naturally. |