Autorius | Žinutė |
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2012-10-10 10:20 #302456
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Straipsnis apie prekybos plano sudarymą. Turbūt labiau aktualus naujokams, tačiau ir patyrę galbūt rastų kažką naudingo.
Tim Wilcox: In order to succeed as a professional trader, it is often said that the aspirant must treat trading "like a business". As with many of the clichéd phrases that litter the metaphorical trading floor, the importance of this statement is often overlooked, or the meaning misunderstood. The following article by Tim Wilcox aims to address these problems by examining some of the ways in which a trader might go about achieving this vital goal. 1. Nuoroda į straipsnį (pdf dokumentas) 2. Nuoroda į ten, kur straipsnis paskelbtas Winners never quit and quitters never win
2012-10-10 20:11 #302580 | |
Hungry for Action Global Lithuanians spoke at TEDx Vilnius
GLL partnered TEDx Vilnius last weekend. The event gathered the audience of over 700 hungry minds. The milestone event of ideas worth spreading attracted great speakers and open minded audience, which included Global Lithuanians doing their careers around the world. Here’s a little review about their talks at TED. Uždirbti Milijoną: Lietuva – Lazerių Supervalstybė? Dažnas tautietis yra girdėjęs, kad Lietuva yra lazerių šalis ir čia gaminama produkcija užima didelę dalį pasaulio lazerių rinkos. Tačiau tai yra labiau mitas. Šiame teiginyje dažnai nubyra keli žodžiai, pavyzdžiui “Lietuviški lazeriai užima 80% PIKOSEKUNDINIŲ MOKSLINIŲ lazerių rinkos”. Jei pasaulinę lazerių rinką palygintume su tortu, tai PIKOSEKUNDINIAI MOKSLINIAI lazeriai būtų tik vyšnia and 4 kilogramų torto. Tačiau technologiniu požiūriu, vis tik yra kuo didžiuotis. |
2012-10-14 17:05 #303151
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Austerity test as eurozone candidate Lithuania votes (BBC)
Lithuania set to eject government (The Financial Times - kadangi ne visi turi account'a nukopinu teksta). Lithuanian voters look set to eject the country’s centre-right government in forthcoming elections, mirroring a trend in several central European countries towards the centre-left in the wake of the financial crisis and deep austerity measures.The Social Democrats and the Labour party are likely to form the next government, opinion polls suggest ahead of two rounds of elections taking place on Sunday and in two weeks’ time. The centre-right ruling party, Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats, was at fourth place in recent polls. The move in the region towards the centre-left “is because of prolonged austerity”, according to Otilia Simkova, analyst at Eurasia Group. “People get tired of continual belt-tightening. So it’s mostly about declining support for the centre-right than rising support for the centre left,” she said, pointing to elections earlier this year in Slovakia. Romania, which pushed through swingeing austerity measures after a €20bn bailout from the International Monetary Fund and EU in 2009, also saw a centre-right government collapse this year, replaced by a leftist coalition. However, Lithuania’s Baltic neighbours Estonia and Latvia, which have also imposed sharp spending cuts, have seen centre-right “austerity” governments subsequently re-elected. All three Baltic republics were hard hit by the 2008 financial crisis. Keen to keep their currencies pegged to the euro to preserve hopes of joining the single currency, they pioneered the kind of “internal” devaluation – lowering real wages and prices to regain competitiveness – now being attempted by eurozone periphery countries. The three suffered among the world’s deepest recessions in 2009 but returned to moderate growth in 2010. Lithuania is seen by business executives and analysts as doing better than Latvia but worse than Estonia. However, growth is still fairly modest and unemployment, though it has fallen, remains high. “We are a little bit surprised by how weak the rebound has been in the Baltics. We would have expected it to be stronger. And so we are cautious on growth,” said a senior executive at a Swedish bank active in the region. The elections are likely to see little change in Lithuania’s stance towards the EU, with a slight delay to its possible entry into the euro. Algirdas Butkevicius, leader of the Social Democrats, has said the eurozone needs to sort out its problems before Lithuania joins the single currency, and 2015 has been mentioned as a possible entry date, compared with the current government’s stance of 2014. “Budgets shouldn’t be all about austerity,” Mr Butkevicius told Bloomberg recently, pointing to measures needed to improve energy efficiency, a big issue because of high heating bills. Some concern has been raised about the supposedly pro-Moscow leanings of the Labour party, whose founder Viktor Uspaskich was born in Russia. But Ms Simkova downplayed any chance of a big shift towards Russia because of ongoing tensions over energy policy. The general elections will be accompanied by a non-binding vote on whether Lithuania should build a new nuclear reactor at Visaginas to provide power for the Baltic region, lessening its dependence on Russia for energy. Lithuania has said it will sue Gazprom for about $2bn over claims that the Russian energy company overcharged the country. |
2012-10-15 15:49 #303373
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Na ka, galiu siek tiek pasigirt:
Neseniai burelio iniciatyviu zmoniu (teko siek tiek letenas prikisti ir man) isuktas reikalas materializavosi. Per ipatingai trumpa laika (kelias savaites) buvo paruosta paraiska ir pristatymas (kvietimas) 2014 metais Vilniuje daryti Global Economic Symposium 2014. Paraiska realiai buvo issiusta skaiciuojant minutes iki deadline, o filmukas likus keliom valandom iki deadline dar buvo montuojamas! 2012 metais, Spalio 16-17 dienom jis vyksta Rio de Janeiro (Brazilija), 2013 Kylyje (Vokietija), 2014 pretenduoja Lietuva, Malaizija ir Kinija. GES pakaitomis vienais metais vyksta Vokietijoje, kitais - uzsienyje. Dalyvauja mokslininkai, politikai, verslininkai ir t.t. Kasmet spali organizuojamas simpoziumas kurio metu priimami sprendimai perduodami vykdanciosioms organizacijoms (TVF, ECB, NATO ir pan) ir valstybiu vyriausybems. Dalyvauja virs 150 VIP dalyviu - Nobelio premijos laureatai, ministrai, prezidentai, didziausiu kompaniju/banku/organizaciju vadovai ir pan. Laikom kumscius uz Lietuva! Uz keliu dienu musu atstovas susitinka Rio su atitinkamais zmonem - o balsavimas vyks spalio gale. Pridedu kvietimo laiska: ![]() Pridedu paraiska: ![]() Video pristatymas |
2012-10-17 00:43 #303773 | |
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2012-10-17 00:50 #303774 |
On a 52% turnout, 65% were against the project, which is to be built by a consortium of Hitachi and America’s GE, jointly with Estonia and Latvia.
Blmba, kiek dar mes jiems užsakymų atiduosim? |
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2012-10-17 20:12 #303979
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Price Action Lab Blog: This is the story of a trader who met someone from an advanced alien species and tried to get him to answer a few questions about technical analysis. Nuoroda į straipsnį. Winners never quit and quitters never win
2012-10-17 23:06 #304016 | |
kartais ir delfi nustebina visai nesilpnais strasipsniais:
Kokius galimos koalicijos pasiūlymus ekspertai siūlo perskaityti ir pamiršti „Aš manau, kad pasiūlymai didinti MMA buvo rinkiminiai pažadai, agitacijos dalis ir juos reikia užmiršti, tai tas pats kaip pasiūlyti gyventojams per ketverius metus išsikelti gyventi į Mėnulį ar kitą utopiją. Tai yra įmanoma vieninteliu atveju, jeigu Lietuvoje būtų labai didelė infliacija, reikėtų atrišti litą nuo euro, tai yra panaikinti valiutų valdybos modelį, ir masiškai spausdinti litus. Kita vertus, MMA padidinimas labiausiai atsilieptų valstybiniam sektoriui, nes jis nedirba šešėlyje, tuo tarpu daug smulkaus verslo dirba šešėlyje, o žymiai pakėlus MMA dalis verslo gali pereiti į šešėlį, priešingai nei valstybinis sektorius, todėl šaliai tektų dar labiau skolintis, kad valstybės tarnautojams būtų galima išmokėti atlyginimus“, - sako Lietuvos pramonininkų konfederacijos Ekonomikos ir finansų departamento direktorius Sigitas Besagirskas. |
2012-10-18 12:17 #304092
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SVC2Baltics : Entrepreneurs in the birth.
That is what “Silicon Valley comes to the Baltics“, a two-days event, in Vilnius, Lithuania, is about. This, from my point of view, is going to be an awesome event. Putting together the next force behind the country’s future (e.g. local, talented, youth), inspiring Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, the Baltics business community and some random guys like myself from all over Europe, that definitely is the way to develop a sound and strong community around the startup ecosystem. And bring entrepreneurs, The spirit. I am definitely looking forward to this event and to the actual development of Lithuania as a European startup hub. Prove me right guys! |
2012-10-23 21:30 #304780
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ilgas, bet visai nieko:
Apsišarvuokite cinizmu [...]Baigę šalinti vieną kliūtį, imkitės kitos. Po trečios kliūties, aš Jums pažadu, pajusite, kaip šypseną ima kelti tie, kurie sako, jog „valdžia padarys taip, kad mes visi emigruosim“. Suprasite, kad emigruosime ne visi. Tik tie, kurie nesugebės savo gyvenimo imti tvarkyti savo rankomis. Nes tai padeda suvokti tos mistinės „valdžios“ galios ribas – ir pajusti savosios. Neišvengiamai į kitų skaudulius ir moralizuojančius dejavimus imsite žiūrėti ciniškai. Teužtruksite mėnesį. Maždaug. |
2012-10-24 18:55 #304931
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Skrisim, rankas iškelsim, mes - nerealios!
[...]Socialdemokratų programą neabejotinai vainikuoja šis teiginys: „Įgyvendinti konkrečias priemones smulkiajam ir vidutiniam verslui skatinti – per kreditavimo sistemą, mokesčių lengvatas, administravimo naštos mažinimą, skatinant darbdavius kurti naujas darbo vietas, sudarant geresnes sąlygas steigti naujas įmones.“ Įsiskaitykite dar kartą - viename sakinyje surašomos visiškos abstraktybės, kartu panaudojamas žodis „konkrečias”. Taigi nereikia laužyti galvos, kas Lietuvoje negerai su kreditavimo sistema, administracine našta ar įmonių steigimu. Užtenka pasakyti, kad bus „konkrečios” priemonės ir viskas išsisprendžia[...] [...]Tiesą sakant, Darbo ir Socialdemokratų partijos koalicijos ekonominei programai apibūdinti geriausiai tiktų grupės „69 danguje” labai išraiškinga daina „Skrisim”. „Skrisim, rankas iškelsim, mes – nerealios! O visa kita – tik detalės. /Žinau, kad galim, surasim kelią! Nors be sparnų – tai tik detalės,“, - į detales nėra linkusi gilintis „69 danguje”. Lyrinis nukrypimas, bet labai panašu, kad partijos įkvėpimo sėmėsi ir iš šių populiarių merginų. |
2012-10-30 00:56 #305772 | |
2012-10-30 15:50 #305898 | |
Ziauri City kasdienybe...
UBS takes swift action on job cuts UBS turned its plan to cut 10,000 jobs into reality when it prevented scores of London-based employees from entering its offices on Tuesday. Some 100 of the Swiss lender’s fixed income traders discovered that their passes were no longer working when they tried to get to work at its Finsbury Avenue offices on Tuesday morning, bank insiders said. UBS’s London operations are expected to be hit hard by the restructuring given that it is an important hub for its fixed income trading, which the bank will mostly exit. It employs 6,500 people at its London operations, roughly two-thirds of whom work in the investment bank. “I was glad to see that my pass was working this morning,” said one banker who made it into the offices. |
2012-11-01 14:42 #306392
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Daug panasumu... Это путь укрепления силовиков и «экономической безопасности страны». Режимы в бедных странах в условиях открытых границ можно поддерживать только если сделать всех граждан потенциальными уголовниками. С этой целью, например, можно сначала создать и поддерживать условия для повсеместной коррупции, а затем ввести уголовное преследование взяткодателей. Можно также наказывать за вывоз денег за рубеж, поддерживая «африканское» валютное законодательство. Можно наказывать людей, сберегающих себе на старость самостоятельно, минуя разворованную государственную пенсионную систему путем ввода уголовной ответственности за получение зарплаты в конвертах. Методов много и все они базируются на простом правиле – дать народу пряник в виде безмозглых телешоу и спортивных зрелищ, а также сделать всех без вины виноватыми. Ну а кто будет недоволен, либо пусть уезжает из страны либо образцово показательно накажут. |
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2012-11-02 04:07 #306455
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Common sense is not very common
2012-11-06 18:41 #307351 | |
City facing new jobs bloodbath
THE NUMBER of jobs in the City is set to hit a 20-year low as London firms continue to lay off staff in the face of ongoing economic turmoil. The consultancy estimates 237,000 people will work in “City-type jobs” in 2013, down a third on pre-crash levels. This represents the lowest number of financial services roles in the capital since 1993. At the height of the boom years in 2007, the number of financial services jobs in Canary Wharf, the West End, the Square Mile and elsewhere hit a record high of 340,000. ![]() |
2012-11-07 00:39 #307432 | |
2012-11-16 13:06 #309483
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Ingrida kaip visada tiksliai, nieko nepridursi.
"Vienas žmogus" kaip Lietuvos politinio gyvenimo veikėjas Kandidatas į premjerus dažnai pabrėžia, kad nemėgsta melo. Čia mes vienminčiai. Todėl ir negaliu patylėti, nes matau, kad „vienas žmogus“ transliuoja iškreiptą tikrovę, klaidina ir neleidžia susitelkti esminiams darbams. Gal ne iš piktos valios, gal tikrai nemato, kas padėta po nosim. Gal jam reikia nupirkti akinukus – bus lengviau pataikyti į atvertas duris. O jeigu mato gerai, vadinasi, blogai dirba. Siūlau nebemokėti jam algos. |
2012-11-16 19:31 #309552
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The myth of the money multiplier
This alleged system, known as Fractional Reserve Banking, is seen as “fraud” by Austrian economists, and by many in the public. To inflationists, because Bernanke has hit the printing presses, dramatically increasing Base Money, and therefore money in circulation will soon explode, leading to hyperinflation. To Neoclassical economists, it’s just the way banking works: bank lending is controlled by the Fed because, “even if banks hold no reserves”, Fed control over the currency means that private banks must do what the Fed wants. And to anyone who’s done empirical research, it’s a myth. |
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2012-11-16 19:56 #309557 |
Įdomus straipsnis, lizaddt!
Dar ta pačia tema (ir ne tik) rusiškai šneka šitas dėdė su Ferrari: Nekantriems: tiksliai į temą nuo 3m 50s Winners never quit and quitters never win