Autorius | Žinutė |
2013-01-09 18:28 #319793 | |
Pakalbėjimai ir nukalbėjimai (supolitinti-finansai)
„ke?“ Rage Against the Coin Well, the trillion-dollar-coin thing — deal with the debt ceiling by exploiting a legal loophole to have the Treasury mint one or more large-denomination coins, deposit them at the Fed, and use the cash in the new account to pay bills — has really taken off. |
2013-01-15 13:41 #321198
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Can Lithuania’s New Government Meet the Economic Challenges Ahead?
Commentators often portray the Baltic countries as laboratories for testing the effects of austerity under fixed exchange rates. Although they share many common traits, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia have each followed distinctive paths during the global economic crisis. Estonia maintained tighter fiscal discipline going into the crisis, helping it to win entry into the Euro. Latvia suffered the deepest slump, but it has stuck with its austerity program for better or worse and has recently recorded some of the fastest quarterly growth rates in the EU. This post examines the distinctive elements that Lithuania has added to the Baltic saga. |
2013-01-15 15:17 #321246 | | youtube: @Sausuolis fb: |
2013-01-17 09:51 #321655 | |
ВЛАДИМИР МИЛОВ Оборона «Газпрома»
"Новый год начался с катастрофических новостей для «Газпрома»: добыча газа по итогам 2012 года упала на 6,7%, до 478,7 млрд кубометров, против 513 млрд в 2011 году и 528 по планам добычи на 2012 год, официально заявленным компанией ранее. Вплотную к худшему результату кризисного 2009 года – 461 млрд кубометров. Ухудшение производственных показателей «Газпрома» происходило в течение всего 2012 года, и прежде всего из-за падения спроса на газ на всех направлениях. Уже по итогам первого полугодия 2012 года, по данным самой компании, спрос на российском рынке в физическом выражении сократился на 6,4%, в Европе – на 10%, в СНГ – вообще на 29%." P.S.: Налоговая нагрузка на российские предприятия ТЭК (долл. на 1 баррель нефтяного эквиввалента): Лукойл - 48,8 Роснефть - 50,8 Газпром - 5,4 ПТН ПНХ
Не знали наши мамы, Не знали наши папы, Что люди из России Сделаны из ваты. |
2013-01-18 15:39 #322066 | |
Naujoji dauguma daro tiek klaidų, kad seną priežodį „žingsnis po žingsnio“ galima būtų pakeisti nauju – lapsus post lapsum, „liapsusas po liapsuso“. Net apie ją rašyti tuo tarpu darosi nebeįdomu. Verčiau pakalbėkime apie tą politinio lauko dalį, kur dar kažkas vyksta, kur gimsta sumanymai, iniciatyvos ir idėjos – taip, apie konservatorius.
DELFI Jums tiekia kokybišką nemokamą turinį. Jūs atsidėkotumėte mums, jei dalintumėtės šiuo tekstu siųsdami jo nuorodą, o ne kopijuodami tekstą. youtube: @Sausuolis fb: |
2013-02-05 10:50 #325407 | |
They say that time is money.* What they don’t say is that money may be running out of time.
There may be a natural evolution to our fractionally reserved credit system which characterizes modern global finance. Much like the universe, which began with a big bang nearly 14 billion years ago, but is expanding so rapidly that scientists predict it will all end in a “big freeze” trillions of years from now, our current monetary system seems to require perpetual expansion to maintain its existence. And too, the advancing entropy in the physical universe may in fact portend a similar decline of “energy” and “heat” within the credit markets. If so, then the legitimate response of creditors, debtors and investors inextricably intertwined within it, should logically be to ask about the economic and investment implications of its ongoing transition. Credit Supernova! |
2013-02-12 21:41 #327673 | |
2013-02-16 14:01 #328919
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Prie to pacio straipsnio, kur virsuj:
Paskaita „Karjera investicinėje bankininkystėje ir kitose finansų srityse" Įžvalgomis dalinasi Lithuanian Wall Street Club prezidentė Rūta Laukien, turinti ilgametę investicinės bankininkystės ir rizikos kapitalo fondų darbo patirtį JAV, Niujorko Volstryte ir šiuo metu dirbanti šioje srityje JAV Bostone bei kartais ir Lietuvoje. |
2013-02-16 16:34 #328934 | |
kaip skaluniniu duju isgavimas kenkia gamtai, zmonems: dokumentinis filmas: ( ) kas neabejingi, peticija: Aukštyn
2013-02-17 20:39 #329038
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2013-02-20 12:06 #329744 | |
The future of the international monetary framework. Dollar dominance here to stay
Dr. Jin Zhongxia is Head of the Research Institute at the People’s Bank of China. This article is his personal view and may not represent the opinion of PBOC. |
2013-02-21 00:37 #330012 | |
A strategy for global financing of Lithuania’s development
While the Lithuanians made huge sacrifices and so “invested” in the future, the Greeks have been continuing the party here and now until the last bottle or perhaps they can get another one, and another. In the current state of European affairs, Greeks won, Lithuanians lost! Ne apie pensininkus daina ir jų vargingą dalią… Jeigu šiandien apskelbta pataisa bus priimta, mokesčių mokėtojai, panašu, kad bus ką tik nusipirkę makaronų už porą milijardų litų. |
2013-02-22 12:24 #330358 | |
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2013-03-04 20:06 #332527 |
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2013-03-04 20:27 #332535
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Nesupratau, o tai Tonio ten nera ? Ieskojau, neraso apie toki
2013-03-05 18:17 #332736 | |
Sorry uz flooda, bet tiems kurie Tureklo neskaito, pasikartosiu:
"Invest Lithuania" prezentacija ![]() |
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2013-03-10 09:43 #333820 |
BIS Working Papers
Information Flows in Dark Markets: Dissecting Customer Currency Trades Tingintiems skaityti: We find that observing customer order flows in a dark market is highly valuable from the dealer’s perspective. Currency excess returns to portfolios mimicking aggregate customer order flows in real-time are about 10% p.a. and highly significant. In addition, trading in FX markets (as in other OTC markets) is anonymous, meaning that dealers know the identity of their clients. Incorporating this feature into our setup, we find excess returns as high as 15% p.a., that is, non-anonymity further increases the informational advantage of dealers. The flows by asset managers have the strongest predictive power for exchange rates, likely reflecting the processing of fundamental information. Their flows have a permanent forecast power, whereas flows originating from the other groups only predict transitory changes of exchange rates. Asset managers, for instance, tend to be trend-followers, whereas individual investors behave as contrarians. Hedge funds (on aggregate) do not seem to fall in any of these two categories. Moreover, flows of different end-user segments tend to be negatively correlated over longer horizons. These findings suggest that risk sharing also takes place among end-users and not only via the inter-dealer market as suggested by previous FX microstructure research.
Common sense is not very common
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2013-03-18 13:38 #335280
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Wall Street's Brightest Minds Reveal The Charts That Worry Them Most The chart is what will give you money or take money from you, so it is the only thing that you should ever consider when trading.
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2013-03-29 13:19 #337395 |
Jeigu tu ginčijiesi su idiotu, jis veikiausiai daro tą patį.
2013-03-31 13:56 #337477 | |
The Art of Investing in Art |