Autorius | Žinutė |
2013-08-20 09:18 #355863 1 1 | |
Smalsi karvė
skubu bėgu kniūpsčias atsakinėti kvailus klausimus yra svarbesnių dalyku kur kas tokie klausimai tik laisvalaikiui Bitcoin accepted here - 1JjA1x5CgANZAvBWxyUChtys8Ebp9toVsY alus, pliusas music intel samsung LG_Electronics |
2013-08-20 09:30 #355864 | |
Jau vakar neturejai ka atsakyt ir sugalvojai kvaila pasiteisinima - matesi is teksto - soory reikia begt mama valgyt kviecia. O dabar dar issipisineji kad laiko neturi, nors kitose temose varai ta pati spamma. Ne tik kad aferistas, bet dar ir niektauzys. Kaip lorpak visai. |
2013-08-20 09:57 #355866 | |
tai lorpak gerbia ji. kaip sakant toks toki atpazista:> Va, geriau su rumunais susidetu, tai bent ant domeno registracijos 25lt uzsidirbtu, sponsoriu nereiktu.
2013-08-20 11:09 #355881 1 | |
KĄ? Redaguota: Droidas (2013-08-20 13:06 ) Bitcoin accepted here - 1JjA1x5CgANZAvBWxyUChtys8Ebp9toVsY alus, pliusas music intel samsung LG_Electronics |
2013-08-20 11:16 #355884 | |
Wow, Droidas jau pakeitė savo kūną į bebro...projektas veikia!
Nepykite, bet durnius komentarus ignoruoju ir neatsakau
2013-08-20 11:23 #355885 3 | |
Suselpkit Droida po 0.1 BTC. Sunku jam..
2013-08-20 11:41 #355889 | |
Kad zuokas uz selpimus zadejo baust (NEBENT tai religine organizacija!). Abi puses berods. O droidas kaip suprantu apie uab, mb, ar ii steigima nelabai ir galvoja. Korporacija be juridinio statuso:/
2013-08-20 11:49 #355890 | |
Droidai kol dar nevelu, prasinesk pro Vilniaus centra istieses ranka. Nes jau vasara i pabaiga ir Zuokas tuoj gaudys chaliavscikus.
2013-08-20 11:53 #355893 | |
Jeigu prisistatytu kaip nemirtingumo brolija, tai dar ir nebaustu. Gal ir parama gautu. Juk noretu ne tik amzinai jaunas, bet ir amzinai meru but. Iskart atseiketu is savivaldybes biudzeto ta 100stukiu tokiam projekteliui.
2013-08-20 13:07 #355907 | |
Zuokas bus garbės narys. Jis vienas iš nedaugelio sugebantis generuoti idėjas ir jas įgyvendinti.
Bitcoin accepted here - 1JjA1x5CgANZAvBWxyUChtys8Ebp9toVsY alus, pliusas music intel samsung LG_Electronics |
2013-08-20 21:38 #356036 1 | |
We are using people and loving things. This is a complete misunderstanding of life. Things were made to be used; people were made to be loved - Sadhguru
2013-08-20 21:38 #356037 1 | |
Optimists hallucinate; pessimists get depressed. Both will not get anywhere. You have to be a realist, willing to see everything the way it is - Sadhguru
2013-08-20 21:40 #356039 1 | |
As there is a physical science and technology to create external wellbeing, there is a whole dimension of inner science to create inner wellbeing - Sadhguru
2013-08-20 21:41 #356040 1 | |
There is too much talk about god, godmen, and goddamn men - only because most of humanity has not realized the immensity of being human - Sadhguru
2013-08-20 21:42 #356041 1 | |
When unpleasant situations happen in our lives, either we can become wise or wounded. This is a choice that every human being has - Sadhguru
2013-08-20 21:48 #356044 1 | |
Spam alert!!
2013-08-20 22:58 #356054 1 | |
Temples were advised only for people who were not on the spiritual path. In the tradition, it is clearly said that a person who has started his own spiritual process need not go to the temple every day. Or in other words, the temple is a public charging place, a battery-charging place for you. If you have your own self-charging system, then you do not have to go the temple.Sadhguru
2013-08-20 23:01 #356055 1 | |
Does God Exist?
Sadhguru: If I talk about something which is not in your present level of experience, it cannot be understood. Suppose you have never seen sunlight and you have no eyes to see sunlight. If I talk about sunlight, it does not matter in how many ways I describe it, you will not be able to grasp what it is. Anything which is not in your present level of experience cannot be understood. The only option is that you have to believe or disbelieve what I say. If you believe me, it does not get you anywhere anyway. If you disbelieve me, still it does not get you anywhere. If you believe me, you will fool yourself because without really knowing, you will simply pretend to know. If you disbelieve me, you will destroy the possibility to know something that is not in your experience. |
2013-08-21 10:11 #356077 1 | |
Šešėliai atrodo labai dideli, didesni už tave, tačiau jie neturi egzistencijos. Kuo silpnesnė šviesa, tuo šešėliai rodosi didesni. Visiškoje tamsoje šešėlių irgi nėra. Taigi dalinės žinios, dalinis apšvietimas, daline vizija sukuria šešėlį bei leidžia jam atrodyti milžinišku, labai dideliu. Bet žinok, kad tai tik šešėlis.
2013-08-22 09:32 #356265 | |
I was invited to CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneva. The scientists there received me, and showed me the God particle, and how they found it.
One of the senior scientists there said that he had been working on matter for the last 40 years, only to find that it doesn’t exist. He had been working on sub-atomic particles, neutrons, electrons, protons, etc., only to realize that they simply don’t exist! This is very akin to what the ancient philosophers used to say, i.e., all this is Nothing. Everything is Nothing and Nothing is Everything. All that you see as form is nothing, and what you see as nothing, is what is making everything. It is a beautiful thing when science and spirituality realize that they are not different. Those who think they are different, are fools; they are living a hundred years back, but in today’s age, they are the same thing. I spoke to the scientists about the three types of space: 1. Chittakasha, the intermediate space or inner space, where all thoughts and emotions float. 2. Chidakasha, the space of pure consciousness or energy, which here and there appears to have consolidated and appears to be matter. 3. Bhootakasha, the outer space, in which we see all the matter that exists. What appears to be matter is really not matter, it is all One energy, and that One field is called Brahman, and that is what everybody is, that is what everything is. The scientists were so intrigued. It is so beautiful that this knowledge is available to us in this generation. It is as good as having a laptop. Just imagine, a few generations back, there was no Google. If you had to learn something, you had to go to a library and look through the Index and the pages. It would take two hours to search in the index in a library. Today, at the press of a button, you can get anything in the world on your laptop. It is such a fortunate thing for this generation that all the knowledge in the world is available in no time. You don’t have to order books from across continents and wait for months to receive it. If you had been in America back then and you wanted Narada Bhakti Sutras, you would need to order the book from India and wait for months to receive it, but today, everything pops up at the tip of your fingers. Similarly, we are so fortunate that in this age, science is speaking the same language as spirituality. It is authenticating spirituality, which means that no generation is deprived of this highest spiritual knowledge. |