Autorius | Žinutė |
2009-06-23 19:03 #39645 | |
o gal kas turi "Mind over Markets: Power Trading With Market Generated Information"? Niekur nesimato
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2009-06-23 22:13 #39659 |
Really you could see soooo many information without special books ...
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2009-07-07 22:49 #40856 |
Šiandien kolega darbe pasidalino labai nebloga nuoroda:
Attilio Meucci is head of portfolio research at Bloomberg, his SSRN page is: link His website is rich in content: link also with information on his book "Risk and Asset Allocation": "On this site the reader will find freely downloadable complementary materials: a set of thoroughly documented MATLAB applications; the Technical Appendices with all the proofs; the Slides, the whole book in presentation format." Smagių skaitinių! The purpose of life is a life of purpose. /Robert Byrne/
2009-07-07 23:06 #40865
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NYorker [2009-06-23 19:03]: o gal kas turi "Mind over Markets: Power Trading With Market Generated Information"? Niekur nesimato |
2009-07-08 10:15 #40905 | |
Agustin Silvani - Beat the Forex Dealer: An insider's look into trading today's foreign exchange market Product Description: The foreign-exchange market is often referred to as the Slaughterhouse where novice traders go to get 'chopped up'. It is one of egos and money, where millions of dollars are won and lost every day and phones are routinely thrown across hectic trading desks. This palpable excitement has led to the explosion of the retail FX market, which has unfortunately spawned a new breed of authors and gurus more than happy to provide misleading and often downright fraudulent information by promising traders riches while making forex trading 'easy'. In reality, the average client's trading approach combined with the unscrupulous practices of some brokers make spot FX trading more akin to the games found on the Vegas strip than to anything seen on Wall St. The FX market is littered with the remains of day traders and genius 'systems,' and to survive in the long-run traders have to realize that they are playing a game where the cards are clearly stacked against them. Have you ever had your stop hit at a price that turned out to be the low/high for the day? Bad luck perhaps? Maybe. What if it happens more than once? Do you ever feel like the market is out to get you? Well guess what, in this Zero Sum game it absolutely is. Covering the day-to-day mechanics of the FX market and the unsavoury dealings going on, Beat the Forex Dealer offers traders the market-proven trading techniques needed to side-step dealer traps and develop winning trading methods. Learn from an industry insider the truth behind dirty dealer practices including: stop-hunting, price shading, trading against clients and 'no dealing desk' realities. |
2009-07-08 10:59 #40910 | |
uzdejau pliusa Rolandui, zmogus tikrai stengiasi ;)
2009-07-10 17:45 #41433 | |
Ashraf Laïdi - Currency Trading and Intermarket Analysis: How to Profit from the Shifting Currents in Global Markets John Murphy - Intermarket Analysis: Profiting from Global Market Relationships |
2009-07-14 23:05 #41939 | | zinot kokiu knygu ar zurnalu kur galeciau igyti daugiau ziniu apie investavima?ir iskur ju gauti ar parsisiusti?visiskai nieko nesuprantu,kaip atlikti tas imoniu analizes ir pan.
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2009-07-14 23:40 #41952 |
Sveikas atvykęs,
kiesha26, perskaičius visą šią temą, tikrai galima atrasti nemažai naudingų nuorodų. Tai pat galima pasinaudoti esama biblioteka. Nuoroda čia - Vieša biblioteka Dar viena nuoroda pravers - E-knygos Gero skaitymo! Klausydamas pamokymų, privalai suvokti jų šaltinį. Nematuok jų savo matu
2009-07-15 02:41 #41961 | |
Skaitau siuo metu Aleksandro Elderio - Trading for a living. Gera knygele. Kazkur buvo uzkliuve, kad apie 70 proc. sekmes rinkoje - tu pats. Visa kita (strategija, zinios ir pan.) - 30 proc. Esu pradedantis ir galiu pasakyti kad psichologija sioje stadijoje yra the key faktorius. Norite to ar nenorite, turesite susidurti su praradimais. Is pradziu didelis noras uzdirbti, bet susiduri su praradimais ir klausimas jau stoja kitas - losso stabilizavimas ir nedidinimas. Bet tame, kaip minejau, labai didele dali zaidzia psichologija. Pora metu saves tobulinimo yra labai normalus laikas. Viena yra sekti patyrusiu veiksmus ir bandyti juos atkartoti, bet be elementaraus saves pazinimo tu esi pasmerktas prapulciai. Tad pradedantiems siulyciau ta knygele. Anglu kalba, bet labai paprastai parasyta nes vyrukas - emigrantas is buvusios Tarybu Sajungos. Psichologijos mokslu daktaras ir profesionalus treideris. Raso visko po truputi. Skeptiskai atsiliepia apie visokius guru, tame tarpe ir Prechter'i, kuris tapo forumo ikona, bet sveika kritikos doze niekam nepamaise tad klausantis visu guru labai svarbus yra jusu asmeninis money management'as. Taip pat ivairioje literaturoje apstu zmoniu balamutinimo, ale - dalyvauk forumuose, ziurek TV, klausyk naujienu. Kitas gi rekomenduoja siukstu nedalyvauti jokiuose pokalbiuose kad neitakotu tavo mastymo ir neblaskytu. Jis gi apeliuoja i asmenybe kas ir yra svarbiausia. Nepazines saves - treideriu nebusi. Apie tai irgi raso. Taigi profesionalas pataria kaip tvarkytis su savimi, rinka, pinigais. (Rodos, forumo nemokamu knygu skyrelyje ji yra. Jei nerasite - permesiu. PDF formatas).
People change markets, markets change people
2009-07-15 09:54 #41971 | |
SKAY, yra tik "Come into my trading room" (irgi labai nebloga) arba ieskoti nemoku.
Gal galetum imesti i savo bylas ir ideti nuoroda? is anksto aciu |
2009-07-15 10:11 #41982
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Alexander Elder - Trading for a Living: Psychology, Trading Tactics, Money Management Internete be jau minėtų Come into my trading room ir Trading for a living galima rasti: Alexander Elder - Trading for a Living: Psychology, Trading Tactics, Money Management [Audio Book] Alexander Elder - Study Guide for Come Into My Trading Room: A Complete Guide to Trading Alexander Elder - Entries & Exits : Visits To 16 Trading Rooms Alexander Elder - Study Guide For Entries and Exits Alexander Elder - Sell and Sell Short Alexander Elder - Study Guide for Sell and Sell Short Yra išleistas ir Study Guide for Trading for a Living, bet dar neteko matyti elektroniniam formate. |
2009-07-15 10:26 #41986 | |
kodel tokios dideles bylos? Entries&Exits -49MB! kuklus .pdf ar .rar butu priimtiniau
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2009-07-15 11:01 #41996 | |
siaures vejas [2009-07-15 10:26]: kodel tokios dideles bylos? Entries&Exits -49MB! kuklus .pdf ar .rar butu priimtiniau ![]() Nzn, ne aš skanavau tas knygas ![]() ![]() |
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2009-07-15 11:09 #41997 |
Gal kas žinote kur gauti arba pasiskolinti:
Title: Warren Buffett and the Interpretation of Financial Statements: The Search for the Company with a Durable: Competitive Advantage Authors: Mary Buffett, David Clark Publisher: Simon & Schuster, 2008 ISBN: 1416573186, 9781416573180 Length: 224 pages _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ » Valstybės skola |
2009-07-15 11:45 #42009 | |
Sveikas Siaures vejau, be abejo galiu permesti. Ta knyga "sveria" 11 MB. Turiu ir kitas, bet jos kiek didesnes. Paziuresiu, gal rasiu koki FTP.
Rolandai, girdejau apie toki revoliucini formata DJVU. Nezinau kokiu principu viskas veikia, bet tai kas PDF'e sudaro 100 mb, DJvu uzima vos kelis. Nuotraukas, teksta spaudzia neisivaizduojamai. Tik kazkodel letokai populiareja. Pasinagrinekite kam idomu Galima ir online failus pervesti. Paciam kazkaip nebuvo reikalo juo naudotis. People change markets, markets change people
2009-07-15 12:03 #42017
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NASA [2009-07-15 11:09]: Gal kas žinote kur gauti arba pasiskolinti: Title: Warren Buffett and the Interpretation of Financial Statements: The Search for the Company with a Durable: Competitive Advantage Authors: Mary Buffett, David Clark Publisher: Simon & Schuster, 2008 ISBN: 1416573186, 9781416573180 Length: 224 pages Skanavimo kokybė silpnoka, bet geresnės nežinau: Mary Buffett, David Clark - Warren Buffett and the Interpretation of Financial Statements: The Search for the Company with a Durable Competitive Advantage |
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2009-07-15 12:29 #42022 |
Ačiū, būtent tai ko reikėjo.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ » Valstybės skola |
2009-07-15 19:57 #42156 | |
SKAY gerai butu tokia knygele,tik yra viena beda nemoku anglu
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2009-07-16 14:27 #42318 | |
siaures vejas [2009-07-15 09:54]: SKAY, yra tik "Come into my trading room" (irgi labai nebloga) arba ieskoti nemoku. Gal galetum imesti i savo bylas ir ideti nuoroda? is anksto aciu Kolega, nelabai randu kur ideti. Gal turi kokia virtualia talpykla? Arba galeciau persiusti i pasta. Gal praeitu... Kiesha, nelabai ka galiu sioj vietoj padeti. Del zemos lietuviu investavimo kulturos, tiokio tipo literaturos lituviu kalba yra labai ribotai. Manau, rusu kalba yra viskas, ko sirdis geidzia, reikia tik paieskoti. Rusu internetas beribis. Pabandyk paieskoti ivedes pavadinimus People change markets, markets change people