Autorius | Žinutė |
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2014-06-01 13:11 #401834 |
Rezultatai silpni, bet kažin ar daugeliui netikėti, nes akcija nuo piko apie 30% nukritusi. Pardavimai krito (-22%) pagrinde dėl valiutų nuvertėjimo, o mažas veiklos pelnas anot vadovybės gavosi dėl investicijų ir tyrimų, susijusių su dviem strateginiais projektais. Mano galva stipraus ilgalaikio akcijos kritimo dėl šių rezų neturėtų būti, nebent trumpalaikis poros dienų pabangavimas.
2014-06-01 14:37 #401837 | |
Mano galva jei 7 eur dugnas atlaikys,tada ir apie pasipildymą galima bus pagalvot(tokios mintys kyla jau "sukramčius" naujienas
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2014-06-05 13:41 #402509 | |
Jei nieko nemaišau,plėtra baigta? |
2014-06-06 10:09 #402623 | |
lorensas [2014-06-05 13:41]: Jei nieko nemaišau,plėtra baigta? Ne, pabaigė tik kokybės kontrolės laboratoriją. O apie jokią kitą plėtros pabaigą nekalba. |
2014-06-10 18:54 #403162 | |
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2014-06-18 13:37 #404128 |
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2014-06-18 19:17 #404154 |
Tu tikras, kad či Grindeks grafikas?
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2014-06-18 20:18 #404156 | |
Every one sees what he/she wants , but Fair value is appx. 12.04 Eur
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2014-06-18 20:51 #404157 | |
The Fair price is only for companies, which main shareholders are fair too.
GRD is not the case. |
2014-06-18 21:38 #404159 | |
Will see,because some of LV shareholders was in general meeting ,and said that maybe dividends will be after Q2 if enough money for building a new manufacture in RU for KZ BLR and RU markets.
2014-06-18 21:50 #404160 | |
Ly [2014-06-18 19:17]: Tu tikras, kad či Grindeks grafikas? Paziurek time-frame. Rimto grafikas nuo 2009. Tavo 3 paskutiniu menesiu? Skrendu. Priešintis beprasmiška
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2014-06-18 22:02 #404165 |
taip pat nuo 2009m. Pakartoju grafiką, dabar matosi laiko zona.
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2014-06-18 22:41 #404169
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Ly tavo grafikas iki 2014 metų latais, o nuo 2014 eurais, taigi netikslus grafikas.
Esi KTU bendruomenės narys? Prisidėk prie mūsų! |
2014-06-19 13:01 #404225
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Robertinijo [2014-06-18 21:38]: Will see,because some of LV shareholders was in general meeting ,and said that maybe dividends will be after Q2 if enough money for building a new manufacture in RU for KZ BLR and RU markets. I don't buy hope. I buy/invest in real return through dividends or growing share price. The main shareholder is one. He decides what the decision will be. Not the minority of shareholders. I prefere dividends too, but if I'm owning only for example 1% of total shares. Does it mean something? No. It means nothing. You are on the minority side. The main shareholder is Lipmans and he does what he wants to do. And even if he will pay dividends, where are quarantees that he will do this again next time? I see several companies, which accumulates profits year after year and gives to the minority very little of that or nothing - ZMP, RSU, BAL, PTR and GRD. All these companies major shareholders doesnt like to share the profits with minorities. They increase retained profits year after year and of course at some point they will buy shares from others but when it will happen? Tomorrow? This year? Next year? After decade? I dont have time for that. Time is money. Btw. Companies in the same sectors should have the same or very close profit margins. Why GRD profit margin is 10% and OLF has 16%? There are only two ways to explain this. Both are bad for GRD. |
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2014-06-19 13:21 #404227 |
Robertinijo [2014-06-18 20:18]: Every one sees what he/she wants , NO. Everyone can't see anything looking at the chart, because they lack knowledge and don't know what to look for. Just very few experienced people can see something that has real trading value because they have an understanding how markets really operate. |
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2014-08-31 20:51 #412649
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Today, on 29 August, the JSC “Grindeks” submitted the non-audited consolidated financial statements for the first half-year of 2014 to “NASDAQ OMX Riga”. Non-audited financial results indicate that turnover of the Group in the first half-year of 2014 was 40.7 million euros and has decreased by 13.9 million euros or 25.5% in comparison to the first half-year of 2013. While the Group’s net profit, attributable to shareholders of the parent company, was 2.8 million euros in the first half-year of 2014 and has decreased by 3.1 million euros or 52.5% in comparison to the first half-year of 2013
Šaltinis: Atmetus jau anksčiau žinomus Q1 rezultatus, Q2 gauname: Kolsoliduoti Q2 pardavimai buvo 21,66 mln. EUR (2013 m. - 30,39 mln.), ir krito 40,3 proc. Konsoliduotas Q2 pelnas buvo 2,398 mln. EUR (2014 m. 2,739 mln.), smuko 14,2 proc. Rezultatai vienareikšmiškai blogi, nors pelno smukimas Q2 sumažėjo (Q1 smuko 85 proc.) Kompanija teigia, kad pelnas mažėja dėl (neversiu, cituoju kompanijos paaiškinimą): "While the decrease in net profit was due to an increased investment in research and development in two strategic projects. In cooperation with scientists of Latvia the project of inhibitor of cardioprotective agent - GBB hydroxyls with an original structure - chemical and preclinical pharmacological efficiency studies, which is an important step in creating a new medical product. The other project is registration of a drug Mildronate® in China, where the 3rd phase of clinical trial for this medication is now being held. Jei tame yra tiesos, puiku, bet jeigu tai dėl Ukrainos įvykių tai nieko gero, nes OLF priešingai, toliau auga. Nors 3 fazė testų Kinijoje nuteikia optimistiškai. Tiesa, leidimas ten pardavinėti Mildronatą dar nereiškia, kad iškart bus didelis pardavimų augimas, reikės dar laiko kol prieiti iki vartotojo. Bet jei ten GRD pasisektu kaip Rusijoje, pardavimai galėtų augti kartais. Nes pvz. Rusijoje Mildronatas turi apie 90 proc. rinkos savo segmente (nesu medikas, bet gal tada geras vaistas širdininkams?) ir jei bent dalinai taip pasisektu ir Kinijoje, būtų didelis stimulas. Nors Q2 pranešime yra ištransliuota dar viena įdomi info. Kaip žinia daugelis kompanijų skelbia rezultatus paskutinę galimą dieną (GRD ne įšimtis) tad jau būna prabėgę dar 2 mėnesiai iš sekančio ketvirčio. Skelbiant Q2 rezultatus, kur pardavimai mažėjo, vadovybė praneša, kad Q3 pardavimai auga (vadinasi jie augo sumoje liepą ir rugpjūtį). JSC “Grindeks” Chairman of the Board Juris Bundulis: “Despite the decrease of turnover and profit in the first half-year, as previously predicted, the sales figures of the first months of the second half-year show increase and the overall situation is gradually stabilising. Since the beginning of the year, structural reforms in the company are being implemented successfully, that has already contributed to the efficiency increase of marketing and sales. Also, acquisitions of new markets takes place continuously - finding and developing business in new markets, as well as signing contracts with new clients in existing markets. Thus the planned work is underway to reduce business risks and dependence on any particular region. Na kaip bus ateityje matysime, kol kas belieka laukti 2013 metų pelno paskirstymo ir žiūrėti ar pagaliau bus dividendai GRD pozoj ar ne. Tiek daug metų nemokėjo ir tiek prikaupta nepaskirstyto pelno, kad niekas net to nebesitiki. Juolabiau, kad H1 kol kas nedžiugina. Kaip bus matysime jau netrukus, nes panašu vadovybė nepamiršo savo pažado: JSC ”Grindeks” informs, that the extraordinary shareholders meeting to decide on the distribution of profit for the year 2013 and composition of the Audit Committee will be announced in the next week. Baltic portfelis - 2015: +21,80 proc., 2016: +59,97 proc., 2017 +57.64 proc., 2018 -2,44 proc., 2019 +17,74 proc. |
2014-09-11 08:24 #413810 | |
Иностранным лекарственным препаратам, не имеющим аналогов в России, «блокада» объявляться не будет, пообещал премьер-министр России Дмитрий Медведев на встрече с партактивом «Единой России» и кандидатами партии в депутаты в законодательные собрания регионов. «Как и по продуктам, у нас сейчас основная задача — обеспечить некую лекарственную независимость, но это не значит, что мы должны отказаться от импортных лекарств, упаси бог», — сказал Медведев. Он добавил, что «есть масса импортных препаратов, которые мы импортировали и будем импортировать, потому что они передовые, потому что нет аналогов в нашей стране. Здесь ни у кого не должно быть сомнений: никакой блокады, эмбарго на эту тему быть не может, это здоровье наших людей». Вместе с тем есть препараты, по его словам, которые могут производиться в России. «За последнее время я посетил несколько производств, и вы знаете, испытываешь гордость, это на самом деле высочайшие технологии», — отметил премьер. Читайте далее: |
2014-09-11 08:42 #413814 | |
Įdomu,GRINDEKS importuojamiems vaistams,Rusija turi analogą?
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2014-09-11 15:29 #413880
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Turbūt reiktų formuluoti klausimą ar Rusija turi analogą Mildronatui
![]() Baltic portfelis - 2015: +21,80 proc., 2016: +59,97 proc., 2017 +57.64 proc., 2018 -2,44 proc., 2019 +17,74 proc. |
2014-09-13 18:33 #414130 | |
Bad news, аналог препаратам = vodka
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