Autorius | Žinutė |
2016-04-26 10:46 #473181 | |
Neblogas sprendimas TAL. potencialiai div pajamingumas ~>8% po mokesciu |
2016-04-26 20:24 #473235 | |
Jeigu teisingi supratau siūloma 59,1 mln padalinti divams jei leis obligacijų turėtojai, kas sudaro vienai akcijai 0.087 euro?
2016-04-27 11:23 #473269 1 | |
Correct - tiesiog del turimos paskolos turi kreiptis I fin.institucija del ju sutikimo.
2016-04-27 12:38 #473283 | |
Pagal reakciją rinkoj, tai panašu, kad tas kreipimasis tik formalumas
2016-05-11 13:37 #474659 | |
Laukiam galutinio sprendimo patvirtinimo |
2016-05-11 15:50 #474677 1 | |
allinn, 2016-05-11 14:24 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AS Tallink Grupp resolution of bondholders’ meeting
Reference is made to the stock exchange notice from AS Tallink Grupp (the “Company” or “Tallink”) dated 26 April 2016 concerning the summons to a bondholders’ meeting in the Company’s bond issue with ISIN NO 0010682255 and ticker code TLG01. The bondholders’ meeting was held today and Tallink received approval from the bondholders in TLG01 in accordance with the proposal made by the Company in the summons, allowing the Company to pay higher equity distributions in 2016 than what is agreed in the bond agreement. |
2016-05-11 16:03 #474679 | |
o kada dividendų ex-diena ?
2016-05-11 17:25 #474682 | |
Audriuxas [2016-05-11 16:03]: o kada dividendų ex-diena ? Šiek tiek per anksti - dar niekas nenuspręsta. Įvyks susirinkimas, tada ir bus aišku.. |
2016-05-13 11:21 #474924 | |
Galingas tiesioginis sandoris šiandien - perleista 3.4 proc akcijų.
2016-05-23 17:41 #475779 | |
Ranu pas forume sia tema 0,08 ct/@, >8% bendra ismoka. Ka manote? |
2016-05-23 19:58 #475783 | |
Jeigu išmokos už kapitalo mažinimą neapmokestinamos, tai tokiu atveju sutaupoma ant mokesčių.
2016-05-23 23:22 #475793 | |
Jap ir šitas gerai šiais metai pamokėjo. Pas estus dividendų pavadaris išskyrus Harju elekter o dėl mokesčių, tai juos susimokėsi jei akciją parduosi, nes sumažinus įstatinį sumažės proporcingai tavo akcijos įsigijimo savikaina. Su teo taip man buvo. Nors akciją pirkau brangiau nei pardaviau, bet dėl įstatinio mažinimo gavosi pelnas pardavus akcijas. Bet kol neparduodi, tol taip, mokesčių nemokia
- Our journey to financial independence
2016-06-02 11:21 #476711 | |
Cia idomus zingsnis. Taciau 0,15ct tik optioni holderiams, ar visiems? |
2016-06-28 10:23 #478889 | |
AS Tallink Grupp (trading code TAL1T, ISIN code EE3100004466) will close the list of shareholders for dividend payment on June 30, 2016 at 23.59.
Proceeding from the above, the shares of AS Tallink Grupp are traded cum-dividend for the year 2015 for the last day today, on June 28, 2016. The shares will go ex-dividend for the year 2015 tomorrow, on June 29, 2016. AS Tallink Grupp will pay dividend 0.02 EUR per share on July 5, 2016. --------------------------------------------------------------------- AS Tallink Grupp (trading code TAL1T, ISIN code EE3100004466) will close the list of shareholders who are entitled to receive the payment related to reduction of the calculated nominal value of shares on June 30, 2016 at 23.59. Proceeding from the above, the shares of AS Tallink Grupp are traded cum-payment for the last day today, on June 28, 2016. The shares will go ex-payment tomorrow, on June 29, 2016. Payments in the amount of 0.06 EUR per share will be made within the term set down by legislation. |
2016-06-28 13:30 #478917 | |
Na kas nors spėjot sužaist su Brexetu? Labiausiai subangavus pozicija Pirmadieni -3,5% Antradieni jau +2% Kaip reikia ant tokių rinkos subangavimų pataikyt. Gaila pats po 1 eur užsipirkau :/
- Our journey to financial independence
2016-06-28 13:32 #478918 | |
SDarius [2016-05-23 19:58]: Jeigu išmokos už kapitalo mažinimą neapmokestinamos, tai tokiu atveju sutaupoma ant mokesčių. Už kapitalo mažinimą susimokėsi kai parduosi akcijas, nes įsigijimo savikaina sumažės gauta suma. - Our journey to financial independence
2016-07-12 14:47 #479958 | |
On Friday, 1st of July the new LNG driven fast ferry Megastar was christened in Meyer Turku shipyard, announced Tallink Grupp and Meyer Turku. The environmentally sound ship was christened by former president of Finland Tarja Halonen.
Mr. Janek Stalmeister, the CEO of AS Tallink Grupp said, that the process of completing the ship is now almost half way done. „The ship as such is coming together and so are the new and innovative services we prepare to surprise our passengers with that particular vessel in terms of renewing the Tallink Shuttle concept. We are also very honoured for having President Halonen as the Godmother, as this is a high acknowledgement to the ship`s exceptionally developed environmental indicators. Megastar will be a good messanger from that perspective to the whole industry“, added he. “The interesting part of our type of shipbuilding is that we have demanding customers that push the boundaries – also for the environment. So we are very happy that today our latest LNG ferry is taking shape and after 1½ years of design and production work starts to look like a ship. Tallink Megastar is custom designed for Tallink’s passengers and is in that sense unique. Hence we are delighted that Tallink has chosen a traditional naming ceremony and even more happy as former president Tarja Halonen is honoring us with her presence.”, said CEO of Meyer Turku, Jan Meyer. The steel cutting for Megastar started on 4th of August 2015, the keel was layed on February 9th and the float-out and sea-trials are planned for July and the last months of 2016 respectively. The delivery of the vessel is planned to take place in the beginning of 2017. The ship will combine the comfortable fast ferry service, social eating experience of open-layout dining areas, versatile choice of lounges and well thought through shopping solutions. The passenger comfort is upgraded with two-level loading, enabling the passenger vehicles and large cargo units to enter and exit from different levels, also making the car-deck logistic easier. The upgrade continues with the easy and wide access to passenger areas with different venues, including a quiet sitting lounge. There will be a number of smart services on board. |
2016-07-13 11:59 #480010 | |
Pagal Waza informacija, nusimato nemazai islaidu, kai ateis laikas susimoket.
Esu paprastas mokesciu moketojas.
Ieskosiu papildomo darbo IT srityje. |
2016-08-11 12:40 #482564 | |
Taip, sąnaudos didelės, EBITDA ir pelnai mazeja. TAL neturiu ir neplanuoju isigyti kainai krentant Esu paprastas mokesciu moketojas.
Ieskosiu papildomo darbo IT srityje. |
2016-08-12 09:32 #482675 | |
Kokios prognozes ateityje, kol kas tik slinkimas zemyn