Autorius | Žinutė |
2018-02-28 16:16 #556353 | |
no comments on results? pirmas zvilgsnis - puiku!! div nemaziau 0.12 matyt? veliau dar detaliau pereisiu
2018-02-28 19:52 #556382 | |
jeronimas [2018-02-28 16:16]: no comments on results? pirmas zvilgsnis - puiku!! div nemaziau 0.12 matyt? veliau dar detaliau pereisiu Kolega, nesiplaikstykit - juk beveik visi jau seniai išėjo į crypto Juokauju. |
2018-02-28 22:56 #556434 3 | |
Crypto tegul gaudo kiti - palauksiu savo porshe ir namo ant juros kranto kantriai is akciju
Del rezultatu pora komentaru: - revenue augimas +12.4% atmetus POL ir BEL dar likucius is 2016 metu - MAL didziausias augimas (apart EE kuri taip pat rode >25% augima yoy) - LV kaip pelno generuotoja atnesa abipusius jausmus -> Q4 no movement, full year +4.3% - Operatinf profit dalyje turime +>14.5%! augima atmetus Hiltono pardavima praeitais metais.. tai yra tikrai puikus rezultatas OEG grupei! - O bet taciau -> LV ir toliau yra > 70% pelne neseja su nezymiai mazejancia pelno marza. - LT pelnas padidejo 2 kartus, kai tuo tarpu EE islaike antra pagal dydi grupeje pelninguma - Outside Baltics nesikeicianti melodija - tiesa dzigina MAL jau beveik black zero metinis rezultatas, bet outside baltic regionas su >60m EUR sugeneravo tik...0.3m EUR pelno (tiesa vs. last year pagerejimas yra, tik ITA rode vienintele operacino pelno nezymu mazejima + ketviritnes pajamos fiksavo stoga, tai reikes stebeti sios rinkos pokycius detaliau dar reikes permesti komentarus managemento ir m2 performance'a - bet rezultatai tikrai puikus - nevertinant open tu paciu klausimu, del OEG tolimesnio verslo modelio pokycio ir islipimo is Baltic regiono. kas liecia div - skaiciavimus kas nores pasidarys pats, taciau lieku optimistiskas ir tikiuosi +20% bent jau augimo (galbut net 2015 lygmens) |
2018-03-19 08:53 #559034 | |
OEG: Contemplated Exit by Major Shareholders, Voluntary Takeover Offer and Business Combination Agreement
On 19 March 2018, two major shareholders of Olympic Entertainment Group AS (the “OEG”) OÜ HansaAssets (a company under the sole control of Mr Armin Karu, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of OEG) and OÜ Hendaya Invest (a company under the sole control of Mr Jaan Korpusov, the member of the Supervisory Board of OEG), acting separately and independently, entered into a share sale and purchase agreement (the "SPA") with Odyssey Europe AS (the “Buyer”), under which OÜ HansaAssets and OÜ Hendaya Invest contemplate to sell and transfer all the shares of OEG currently held by them. OÜ HansaAssets holds currently altogether 68,361,890 shares of OEG, representing 45.0368% of all the shares of OEG, and OÜ Hendaya Invest holds altogether 28,761,910 shares of OEG, representing 18.9483% of all the shares of OEG. The purchase price of the shares shall be EUR 1.9 per one share. The contemplated transactions shall be settled by the selling shareholders tendering their shares in the voluntary takeover offer to be launched by the Buyer (the “VTO”). Namely, the Buyer will launch the VTO to all the shareholders of OEG for the same price of EUR 1.9 per one share. The exact terms and conditions of the VTO will be described in the VTO prospectus and VTO announcement to be published by the Buyer as soon as practically possible after the relevant documentation has been duly approved by the Estonian Financial Supervision Authority. The relevant application was submitted to the Estonian Financial Supervision Authority as at the date of this announcement. The expected date of launching the VTO is 4 April 2018 and VTO period (i.e. the period when the shares of OEG can be tendered in the VTO) is expected to begin on 4 April 2018 and end on 2 May 2018. The value date of the VTO is expected to be 10 May 2018. The closing of the transactions contemplated under the SPA and VTO is subject to certain conditions precedent, including an approval from the Estonian Tax and Customs Board for the acquisition of dominant influence over OEG by the Buyer (provided by the Estonian Tax and Customs Board either as an approval or as the absence of prohibiting precept pursuant to § 13 (2) of Gambling Act made within 60 business days as from the submission of the respective application to the Estonian Tax and Customs Board). The SPA contains the customary representations and warranties of the sellers on the OEG and the group of companies of OEG and the operations thereof, as well as the customary interim protection measures put in place for the preservation of the company’s value between signing and closing of transactions contemplated under the SPA. The parties to the SPA have agreed that the profit for 2017 shall belong to the Buyer. Further, upon closing of the SPA, all the current members of the Supervisory Board will resign. Under the SPA, OÜ HansaAssets has also agreed to sell to the Buyer all the shares of Olympic Casino Eesti AS, a subsidiary of OEG. OÜ HansaAssets holds currently altogether 258,151 shares of Olympic Casino Eesti AS, each with a nominal value of EUR 0.60, which represent 5% of all the shares of Olympic Casino Eesti AS. The agreed purchase price for such shares has agreed to be EUR 6,000,000. OEG further informs that on 19 March 2018, OEG, the Buyer and its direct 100% shareholder Odyssey Europe HoldCo S.à r.l. (a limited liability company incorporated under the laws of Luxemburg, registration no. B222.194, registered office at 5, rue Guillaume Kroll, L-1882 Luxembourg, Luxembourg; the “HoldCo”) entered into a business combination agreement regarding OEG (the “BCA”), outlining the cooperation of the parties with respect to the VTO, and, subject to the occurrence of the closing of the SPA, certain corporate and other measures intended by the Buyer as OEG’s future majority shareholder. In accordance with the most significant terms of the BCA, the Buyer intends to de-list OEG from the main list of Nasdaq Tallinn Stock Exchange and an extraordinary general meeting of OEG will be convened to decide on the intended de‑listing. In addition to the intended de-listing, the Buyer as OEG’s future majority shareholder intends to carry out certain post-closing corporate and other measures, including an up-stream merger of OEG with and into the Buyer as the surviving entity, an up-stream merger of Olympic Casino Eesti AS with and into OEG (or its legal successor) as the surviving entity, and the sale of shares in OEG’s two Latvian subsidiaries, Olympic Casino Latvia SIA and Ahti SIA, to a member of the Buyer's group. OEG and the Buyer will prepare and consider documentation for the contemplated measures in due course in accordance with the steps and procedures set forth in applicable law. In addition to the corporate measures described above, the parties to BCA may consider certain financing arrangements. Further information on the intended post-closing measures will be disclosed by the Buyer in the VTO documentation. In the opinion of the Management Board of OEG, the fact of execution of the BCA has no immediate material effect on the business operations and financial results of OEG since the material transactions contemplated under the BCA require additional documentation in order to become effective. The Buyer is Odyssey Europe AS (a company incorporated pursuant to the laws of Estonia, with the register code 14437516). The Buyer is part of Novalpina group of companies (the “Novalpina Group”), the ultimate parent of which is Novalpina Capital Group S.à r.l. ("Novalpina"), a limited liability company incorporated under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg, with registered office at 44, avenue J.-F. Kennedy, L-1882 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and registered with the Luxembourg Register of Commerce and Companies under no. B214238. The main area of activity of Novalpina Group is the investment in quality mid-market businesses by capitalizing on transactional and operational complexity. The Buyer or Novalpina do not hold any shares in OEG. |
2018-03-19 09:04 #559040 | |
dar vienas rimtas žaidėjas plaunasi iš OMXB, greitai fondams Baltijos biržose visai nebeliks ką veikt
2018-03-19 09:07 #559042 | |
Ka reiskia plaunasi? Viso labo tik pereina i kitas rankas.
...lost and never to be found...
2018-03-19 09:10 #559044 | |
es_ne [2018-03-19 09:07]: Ka reiskia plaunasi? Viso labo tik pereina i kitas rankas. In accordance with the most significant terms of the BCA, the Buyer intends to de-list OEG from the main list of Nasdaq Tallinn Stock Exchange and an extraordinary general meeting of OEG will be convened to decide on the intended de‑listing. |
2018-03-19 09:11 #559045 | |
es_ne paskaityk atydžiau, jie ketinasi delistinguotis (plaunasi), jo labai rimtas emitentas traukiasi
2018-03-19 09:15 #559047 | |
nu va pavasaris kokiom naujienom prasidejo... ne kokios naujienos (tiek OEG maziems akcininkams, tiek Nasdaq Baltic).
Buyout kaina matyt atitinka 6 men vidurki? teisingas iejimo langas pasirinktas pirkejo -> del delistingavimo jeigu greit suksis, ta padarys dar siu metu pirmoje dalyje.. manau, kad pirkejas jau si zingsni yra isivertines/pasiruoses dar pries SPA pasirasyma (dazniausia praktika). Reikes sulaukti daugiau komentaru ir info, kaip/kas/kodel -> ispirkimo kaina 1.9 EUR/@ yra itin maza...(isivertinus prel div turetume apie 2.02/2.05 EUR/@ ) |
2018-03-19 09:26 #559049 | |
O tai cia tikrai nekazka...
...lost and never to be found...
2018-03-19 10:01 #559058 | |
6men vidurkis 1,841 siai dienai?
...lost and never to be found...
2018-03-19 10:11 #559060 1 | |
es_ne [2018-03-19 10:01]: 6men vidurkis 1,841 siai dienai? Jums maža parašytos informacijos: "...the purchase price of EUR 1.90 per share, representing a premium of 3.26 % above the volume weighted average stock exchange price of the OEG Shares (as defined below) during the last six months (the “Offer”)." |
2018-03-19 10:55 #559067 | |
Pasiulymo premija atrodo mazoka smulkiesiems, kad parduoti akcijas. Praktiskai rinkos kaina gaunasi. Neatrodo kad smulkiems bus patrauktu parduoti uz tiek. Kokie tada galimi scenarijai piesiasi ateityje ?:
1. stambieji perleis savo akcijas, o smulkieji toliau prekiaus kaip ir prekiavo birzoje. Tik rizika, kad sumazes likvidumas. 2. Odyssey Europe surinks kritine dali akciju ir bus skelbiamas priverstinis akciju pardavimas smulkiesiems. Pardavimo kaina ? Nors atrodo vargu, kad tai pavyks. 3. Odyssey Europe bandys ateityje pasididinti savo dali ir pasiekti privalomo ispirkimo riba - galimai tada bus tolesni siulymai smulkiesiems, uz didesne kaina ? |
2018-03-19 11:00 #559070 | |
djavolai, o kokiom akcijom tu ruošiesi prekiauti jeigu įmonė bus delistinguota? Realiai tai tikrai gaila, kad dar viena konotra išeina ir ir taip buvęs menkas adekvačių emitentų pasirinkimas sumažėjo dar labiau. Reikia bent jau tikėtis, kad pinigai gauti už OEG liks Baltice, o ne iškeliaus kažkur kitur apskritai
2018-03-19 11:17 #559071 | |
Manau, kad tą delistingavimą pranešimuose taip pabrėžia būtent tam, kad visi susiprastų, kad geriausia yra dabar parduoti, o ne laikyti toliau.
Galima sakyti, kad perka už mažą kainą, bet juk ši kaina patenkino didžiuosius akcininkus. Matyt, yra priežasčių, kad tokia kaina pasirodė teisinga ir didiesiems akcininkams. Dabar įdomiausias klausimas - į ką bus perinvestuotos iš OEG atsilaisvinusios lėšos? |
2018-03-19 11:52 #559075 | |
suprantu kaina 1.9 bet ismokant div 0,3-0,4 eur/akcijai
2018-03-19 12:04 #559079 | |
Kiek žiūriu pagal datas, kad dividendų laukti nėra prasmės, juos išmokės po supirkimo. Ar aš klystu?
2018-03-19 12:06 #559080 | |
vilksas [2018-03-19 12:04]: Kiek žiūriu pagal datas, kad dividendų laukti nėra prasmės, juos išmokės po supirkimo. Ar aš klystu? Niekas nežada dabar supirkti. Tik delistinguos |
2018-03-19 12:13 #559081 | |
o kur jus matot tikslia delistingavimo data? ar pas estukus taip paprastai galima iseiti is birzos?
2018-03-19 12:25 #559084 | |
stogdengys [2018-03-19 12:06]: Niekas nežada dabar supirkti. Tik delistinguos Ar nieko nesupainiojai? Pagal elementarią logiką privalo pasiūlyti supirkti prieš delistinguodami. |