Autorius | Žinutė |
2020-11-02 17:34 #649140 | |
Gerai [2020-11-02 16:54]: pirkt, parduot, nerodyt moterimManiau bus minčių apie evoliucijos principus ir tikslingumą. ![]() |
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2020-11-13 20:32 #651232 |
Kas galvose dedasi jaunimo velnias tik zino. |
2020-11-13 21:35 #651244 | |
Na, jei škotai nešioja sijonus, kuo kiti prastesni?
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2020-11-19 11:18 #652063 |
Net naciu Vokietijoj gimstamumas ir vedybos nuvyle. Bet vestuviu padaugejo 1939 |
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2020-11-27 06:38 #653314 |
Zmogaus evoliucija dabar priesinasi logiskoms isvadoms bei mastymui, todel nera didvyriu. O jei atsiras, aplinka, kolektyvas, bendradarbiai, politikai vieningai tokius uzdusins. Taigi turi ne tik su savim kovot ir nugalet milijonais metu tavo smegenis formavusia evoliucija, bet ir aplinkai priesintis. Biologine evoliucija vs socialine. Biologine - maistas, dauginimasis, valdzia. Politikai kaip tik dabar leidzia veistis pasalpiniams, maisto yra, tik va rols roycu visiems neuztenka. Jie pakeiciami pigiais interneto pakaitalais, kur galima issidirbineti be dideliu islaidu. Bei valdzia pajausti per laikus, perziuru skaiciu. Taip ir gyvenam. Narodui labai patinka nemastyt, nes tada nesinaudoja energija smegenims. Be to, kai negalvoji, smegenys i krauja isleidzia visokiu endorfinu ir kitu opioidu, todel dar malonuma gauni. 19 amziuj prasidejus pramoninei revoliucijai, prireike mokytu kadru. Bajoru, pirkliu vaikai balvonai buvo, nes jie augo biologinej evoliucijoj. Teko Ekaterinai 2 leisti mokytis ir warguoliam, nes tik 3 proc is pirkliu vaiku sugebejo aritmetika ivaldyt. Atsirado inzinieriai, kurie daug uzdirbdavo, vaikus gerai moke, vyko atranka ne pagal istikimybe ar pazintis kaip dabar o pagal sugebejimus. Pirma karta socialine evoliucija pradejo veikt. Kai visuomenej protingu zmoniu mase pasiekia 10-15 proc, ivyksta revoliucija, nunesa tuos biologinius velniop. Taip ir ivyko beveik visoj Europoj. Dabar vyksta tas pats, daug atsirado ITsniku ir kitu, laukia nauja revoliucija. Pasalpiniams neherai bus. Nors jie ir sugriauna sena sistema, nes tai sansas jiems kazka pasiekt, nes anksciau klanai uzdarydavo socialines kopecias. Dabar protingu zmoniu procentas yra 5, taigi jau pavojinga. Tu zmoniu nenupirksi, nes ju per daug, o pinigu neuzteks. Zinios tai jega ir pavojus. Dauguma zmonijos nesikeicia, nesimoko, toliau islieka biologinej evoliucijoj, nors procesai, ciklai vis greiteja. O valdzia galvoja apie savo kaili todel naikina svietima, univerus, moksla. Bet tada nebus kam infrastrukturos priziuret ir vel i viduramzius. EU pasmerkta, nes viskas dar nuo kryziaus karu prasidejo. Ispjaudavo europoj po 80 proc narodu. Likdavo stukaciai, isdavikai, bei be morales tipai. Tokia is esmes ir yra dabartine EU. Todel su jais nera ko kalbetis ir jie nieko nesigaudo. Per pora tukstanciu metu europos pilieciu smegenu mase del tokio degradavimo prarado 250 gr. Ir liaudis EU kaip durneliai, paklusnus, pasakai kauke nesiot ir nesioja. Rusijoj atvirkstine sistema buvo, arsus ir kieti galedavo del plotu atsiskirt bei taip isgyvent. Del to smegenu tipu cia daugiau ir daugiau didvyriu bus. Kai EU atrenkami su kompromatu, istikimi, idejiniai, rusuose dazniausiai i valdzia sulekdavo arsiausi ir kieciausi. |
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2020-11-27 08:37 #653315
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faktai ir isvados pateikti atvirksti. Ruskyne per revoliucija, pilietini ir 100 m CK-GPU-NKVD-KGB-FSB siautejima islikdavo tik bestuburiai prisitaikeliai, pasiruose bet kam , kad tik gyvent, est ir pajaust bet kokia valdzia virs kito zmogaus. Ruskyne SSSR laikais ir iki dabar kiekvienas virsininkas ( nachalnykas keuleus leksikone) rinkdavosi tik durnesni uz save ( tu virsininkas - as durnius, as virsininkas - tu durnius) ir sugebanti meilikauti ( lyst i subine - pagal autus). Bet kokia iniciatyva smerkiama ir ziauriai baudziama ( Tau ka reikia daugiau nei kitiems).
Tokia simtamete neigiama dirbtine atranka suardo efektyvu valdyma ir panaikina bet kokias visuomenes prisitaikymo ir konkurencingumo galimybes dabartiniam sparciai besivystanciame pasaulyje. Pvz 21 amziaus Masko Space X sistema ir 7 desimtmecio RF kosmine technika. Pasaulyje besivystanti IT revoliucija ir robotizacija ir aibe kitu krypciu versus Energetines supervalstybes ideja - uzvaldyti naftos ir duju tiekima ir uzkelus kainas nieko neveikiant maudytis piniguose. Aisku turima omeny tik nedidele grupele itin nusipelniusiu ( vovos vaikystes dziudo klubo draugeliu etc). Ju rojus baigesi. "I am not young enough to know everything."
- Oscar Wilde PS autams profesines paslaugas teikiu skubiai ir nemokamai. |
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2020-11-30 21:58 #653860 |
Serialas tik vyrams |
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2020-12-08 17:45 #655484 |
Kalnieciu sveikatos priezastis. Core raumenys |
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2020-12-14 14:31 #656454 |
Kas buna kai i moteru santykius ilenda alkoholis ir vyras. Aisku kaltas liks vyras |
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2020-12-26 12:47 #658675
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Ivairus laiudies posakiai:
1. A woman needs four animals: a mink on her back, and Jaguar in the garage, a tiger in her bed, and a jackass to pay for it all." Confucius 455 BC 2. Woman - “I’m independent.” Translation- “I’m uncooperative.” 3. women don't want a marriage, they want a wedding, for the cash and prizes, then they want a DIEvorce, for the cash and prizes. 4. If men want loyalty, devotion and unconditional love--get a Golden Retriever. No drama, no demands, and no high maintenance. 5. Marriage is like a hurricane. Both start with huffing and puffing - then you lose your house. 6. The best advice an older man ever gave me when I was a young man: no deal is alway better than a bad deal. 7. Women want equality then cry when the have to play by the same rules. 8. Two things I always tell every teenaged boy. Don’t get married and don’t drink alcohol. They will both rob you. 9. Don't ever get married. Just buy a house and give it to a woman that already hates you 10. Women: ''We are not objects!'' Also women: ''You cant afford me". Sums up everything 11. women will not lower their standards. They would rather be alone. The thing is, once you hit the 50’s, the differences in the sexes really start showing. Men can handle being alone. We have to. That’s why when you look at desolate places, it’s almost always all men. Look at the gender break down of Alaska for example. Women who are alone at that age really enter an unhealthy emotional and mental state. They very rarely become nice old ladies who go quietly into the night. They become Karens. A 55 year old alone man can accept his fate. He can come home , microwave leftovers, and watch his favorite tv show happily. A 55 year old alone woman develops bad anxiety and becomes bitter. Medication is usually involved at this point. I’ve seen it happen before. 12. Im a 59 year old male who's been retired since 2001. I've been married and divorced twice, once to a younger woman and once to an older woman. I have been single over 10 years and honestly I don't miss the drama. Men are very uncomplicated, we want a partner who is kind, thoughtful, funny and supportive. Women are very complicated, they need conversation, validation, to be worshipped, taken care of, expect financial security, to be the center of your world yet don't want to be bothered to reciprocate. Example: look at a married couple's bathroom counter, men's side sparse woman's crammed full of products, gadgets and stuff. I have found that women are never satisfied, they want men to change to suit women's needs but don't believe they need to change for a man 13. I've dated from 18 - 45... they're all essentially the same after about 6 months when they quit pretending. 14. as a famous movie star once said “ a woman dies twice, once physically and once when she’s invisible to men” 15. I've dated teachers that have told me they couldn't see themselves with me long term because I didn't make enough money (even though i made nearly 75% more than them) and i've dated women who makes 6 figures who ended things because over time they lost attraction for me because i made less than them. Both told me early on that money doesn't matter and they know that as they got matters too much to women. Both sides are still single and reach out to me every so often to complain how there aren't good men out there like me and how much they wish it worked out. Sad their happiness comes second to money. 16. Women dating is like going to a casino. You have to know when to cash out 17. Men live in reality, but occasionally like to visit fantasy. Women live in fantasy, but HATE visiting reality I love that quote it's so true 18. Men fun(not sexual): barbeque, beers, funny movie, hobbies, sports and games, massages, walks swimming, hiking. Women fun: expensive dinners paid for by man so she can complain about quality, anything to make her friends jealous, sneaky time with T-Bone, controlling her simp...eating more...spending money...lots of money on bobbles... |
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2020-12-26 14:18 #658682
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zz [2020-11-27 08:37]: Pvz 21 amziaus Masko Space X sistema ir 7 desimtmecio RF kosmine technika. Siaip raketos viena is tu retu sriciu, kuriose rusai realiai turi idirbi, tai maziau lia lia. Pas Muska nieko ypatingo, apart to kad jis daro mazesniais kastais. Bet kokiu atveju Muskas be valstybines paramos butu niekas. Tai nekomerciniai projektai, nesuprantu apie koki konkurencinguma isvis galima kalbet. Konkurencingumas buvo kai buvo saltasis karas. Parshelis Saveljeva iskniso, ale tai blet... Ne viska ka tas diedas sneka, galima imt uz gryna piniga. Jo idomu paklausyt konkreciai apie smegenis, nes jis ten specialistas. |
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2021-01-01 12:15 #659394 |
Uzsidare seimos namuose. Sex zaisliuku pardavimai padvigubejo. Populiareja BDSM ir peggingas. Aisku neparase kad ir pedophilija siauteja Searches for 'What is BDSM' are up by 70 per cent. (That's bondage, discipline, sadism and masochism, in case you were one of the people typing it. All are forms of power play). The BDSM dating app KinkD asked almost 3,500 users to reveal their top kink during lockdown, and cyber play or virtual domination - online role play of BDSM scenes - won by a long shot. Pegging - stereotypically when a female wears a strap-on dildo to penetrate her male partner - was the hottest sex trend of 2020. Sales of strap-ons were up by nearly 200 per cent in 2020. Ten percent of 1,000 women in a UK poll admitted to pegging their partner and one in ten said they'd like to try it. There was even a pegging scene in the hit superhero movie Deadpool. Contrary to those who think it means the guy must be secretly gay, pegging's popularity is more down to the buzz of reversing sexual roles and stimulation of the male G-spot, the prostate gland. |
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2021-01-03 17:24 #659559
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Kur dingo normalus bachurai valdzioj? |
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2021-01-04 10:52 #659596 |
Vieni turtingiausiu, sekmingiausiu aktoriu renkasi gyvent vieni. |
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2021-01-04 18:20 #659650 |
Женщины в разы жаднее мужчин. Я вот что-то не припоминаю в своей жизни и среди знакомых каких-то щедрых женщин. Подарит носки и платочек Это точно. Попроси у нее в долг 1000 рублей, так ебало скривит)))) Женщина всегда не довольна - либо мало зарабатывает, либо жадный, либо не уделяет внимание и т.д. И всегда во всём виноват мужчина у них. Лежит дед на диване и говорит внуку "принеси воды пожалуйста"Внук: "щас поринесу"приходит через минуту без стакана воды Дед спрашивает у внука"а что воду не принес?"Внук отвечает"а бабушка сказала незачем лишнию воду тратить". Лучше соло чем в петле болтаться |
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2021-01-08 15:12 #660470
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Men, there are only 3 reasons to get married, literally only 3.
1. You hate sex 2. You hate your money 3. You hate your peace +++ Reason to gat married. Instead of dying alone you can die alone accompanied with the obligation of lifetime alimony +++ You can describe ALL women with just one word "ME" and it goes through 3 stages: "I think", "I feel" and "I want". +++ You don’t know who you have married, until you divorce. +++ I used to think my purpose in life was to get married with a beautiful woman, have kids and walk along the beach at sunset hand in hand, laughing, hugging and kissing. Fuck me was I dumb +++ I could never figure out why Kermit was with Miss Piggy. She was a shrew: demanding, overbearing, unappreciative, and abusive. She didn't treat him well. It was all about her. Even as a youth, I didn't like her. Now as an adult I know why. |
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2021-01-12 12:36 #660861 |
Kai protingas vyras sutinka kvailą moterį - turime vienišą motiną, kai protinga moteris sutinka kvailą vyrą - tvirta šeima; kai susitinka kvailas vyras ir kvaila moteris - daugiavaikė šeima; kai susitinka protinga moteris ir protingas vyras - flirtas;
Kaip ten sako - vyras kaip unitazas viešame tualete - arba ap6iktas, arba užimtas ... |
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2021-01-14 15:05 #661194
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Auksine fraze gale - zmogus iki 50 metu kaupia daiktus ir turta, po to ziuri su kokiu minimumu iseina pragyvent |
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2021-01-15 12:47 #661357 |
More you fuck him, the weaker he is |
2021-02-06 18:18 #664451 | |
Parshiukas [2021-01-12 12:36]: Kai protingas vyras sutinka kvailą moterį - turime vienišą motiną, kai protinga moteris sutinka kvailą vyrą - tvirta šeima; kai susitinka kvailas vyras ir kvaila moteris - daugiavaikė šeima; kai susitinka protinga moteris ir protingas vyras - flirtas; Kaip ten sako - vyras kaip unitazas viešame tualete - arba ap6iktas, arba užimtas ... Iš kur tokia išmintis? ![]() |