Autorius | Žinutė |
2021-07-08 09:27 #680353 | |
Covid good time for SAF with them products, i hope they will take this opportunity to grow, min 2-3 times
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2021-07-08 11:01 #680357 | |
lets see more info from shareholders on opportunities and AUG11 12m results.
If they will be able to pull it off once again extra 1m EUR in profit from q4 -> it would be outstanding result. My forecast on 12months results -> 22-24m EUR in revenues and 2,8-3,0m EUR in net profit. Divs ~1-1,5m EUR.(4,5-7% div yield on today's price, but most important note how SAF could grow in next years to 30-50m EUR rev business) |
2021-08-11 11:02 #683313 | |
ok.... small adjustment to Q4 and 12m results... holly shit -> market in USA is booming. 26m in revenues and >4m in net profit...Q4 only >8m rev and 2m EUR profit! (cash balance at 8m EUR) hope so they have stock up all needed materials for further growth will drop later on more details overview and my insights. |
2021-08-11 11:16 #683317 | |
I have SAF and happy with results and for future, i hope div will be not less 1 eur
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2021-08-11 11:37 #683322
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I have also SAF from 2014-2015 -> was enjoying wave of divs in Y2016 due to tax changes in LV, now it seems really great initial first and last rows in P&L -> just interesting to see if growth in revenues/profit is sustainable.
ok looking on financials some few comments (yoy comp): + REV +53%, while total costs +30% -> growth seems to be controlled - COGS increased +62% (it is getting more expensive to produce items) + No need for marketing -> saving of -20% - extra 1m EUR into yoy result comes from bad debts reevaluation - seems that their costumers haven't faced so much issues during covid19 to payback invoices and net result from bad debts is extra +1m EUR to net result yoy + marketing/bad debts/opex only three lines bring extra +1.2m EUR into net result (savings and adjustments) - bonuses increased by + 136% (+1.6m EUR increase), while salaries row keep up with FTE amount and increased only +10% (bonuses are not yet fully paid looking from balance sheet, and employees are heavily appreciated by bonuses guessing on great results, over working hours and etc. + company has stock up of raw materials by more than x2.5 times, so it shouldn't create issue to deliver even further growth. + USD/EUR positive ex rate especially in Q4 some other points will keep it for myself. Great results -> next year ambition should be more than 30m-35m EUR in revenues and 5m EUR profit line? ![]() as for divs: A -> conservative valuation -> 0.55-0.70EUR/@ B -> optimistic ->0.95-1.15 EUR/@ What's your view? Redaguota: jeronimas (2021-08-11 13:05 ) |
2021-08-11 14:38 #683349 | |
p.s. No I don't send more info about SAF via Personal Message
![]() ![]() FUN fact -> even with today's huge price increase -> P/E remains at around 7 and div yield (conservative) ~6.5% -> to keep up with markets (LV or service stocks median of P/E) -> price should be at 19-22 EUR. Let's wait for div proposal and plans for Y2021-2022 |
2021-08-11 14:48 #683355 | |
I think that only Latvians are dull and dream of SAF for 20 euros, but I read here each other also hopes for the price-"price should be at 19-22 EUR": nr683349. I'm not saying the company is good, maybe it's worth 20 euros, but it seems fantastic to me.
2021-08-11 15:11 #683360 | |
![]() if they keep up growing as they did last year numbers will speak for them selves -> I prefer numbers to do the talk (and divs ![]() |
2021-08-12 19:06 #683471 | |
>+60% within one month. Doesn't look sustainable but if div will be more than 0.65ct we will see another mini wave.
If divs app 1eur, no doubt price will hit 15eur |
2021-09-07 21:36 #686258 | |
O cia nrm po 9men žra esti kad insideas pirko akcijų po 5eur uz 25k eur? Sumos nera kertines bet atrodo kad pamiršo pasakyti kad nusipirko... |
2021-09-08 09:33 #686298 | |
aš supratau, kad čia pardavė
:wink |
2021-09-08 09:59 #686311 | |
tas tiesa -> PArdosana
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2021-09-08 10:01 #686312
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-or it is simply a way to optimize on taxes... (sell date seems to be September)
2021-09-16 12:33 #687276 | |
Spalio mėnesį turėtų pateikti audituotas ataskaitas ir dividendų siūlymą už 2021 metus. Gal žinote tikslią dieną, kada tai bus? Kalendoriuje nematau tokios informacijos.
2021-09-18 12:33 #687470 | |
istoriškai pažiūrėk, kiek pamenu lapkritis tas mėnuo.
:wink |
2021-09-19 14:17 #687538 | |
Lapkričio pradžia ir spalio pabaiga draft resoliucija, lapkričio galas final shareholderiu metas/sprendimas ir div mokėjimas (jeigu nusžrendzia) pries Kalėdas
![]() Pora metu buvo div pakeisti final shareholderiu meetings. So let's see ![]() |
2021-09-20 22:21 #687664 | |
neskaičiuokit jūs tų viščiukų pavasary
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2021-09-21 08:16 #687673 | |
![]() Jau vistides durys atidarytos tai ir gaudom visciukus ![]() |
2021-10-12 10:06 #689721 | |
Gal ką nors žinot, ko taip SAF spaudžia?
2021-10-12 11:40 #689742 | |
Čia latviai forume įdėjo nuorodą, kad paklausa CO2 matuoklių išaugo dvigubai. Ir kaip matau akcijas agresyviai stumia ORIONAS, o perka latviai |