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Global Stable Equity Fund

Fondo detalūs duomenys, pelningumas, grafikas ir paskutinių ataskaitų turinys.
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Fondo detalės
PavadinimasGlobal Stable Equity Fund
ValdytojasNordea Investment Funds
Valstybė, ISINLuxembourg, LU0112467450
Įkūrimo data2005-11-02
Vieneto kaina20.59 EUR (2017-12-05)
Valdymo mokestis1.5%
Įsigijimo mokestis1-2%
Išpirkimo mokestis1%
Minimali investicija-
Rodikliai (%)
Laikotarpis (mėn.)36
Visas pokytis27.65
Vid. metinis pokytis8.48
Mėnesinis nuokrypis3.91
Metinis nuokrypis13.53
Tikėtina metinė grąža19 / 36
Šarpo rodiklis0.27

Techninė analizė

Pokytis per laikotarpį(%)
3 mėn.4.62
6 mėn.1.95
2 metai11.96
3 metai27.65

The Global Core Equity Fund seeks to preserve shareholder capital and to provide an adequate rate of return on the investment. The Fund uses its reference index as a benchmark for investment purposes. The Fund invests globally a minimum two-thirds of its net assets in equities and other equity shares. The Fund may invest globally up to one-third of its net assets in bonds and other debt instruments denominated in various currencies and issued by domestic or foreign borrowers as well as in equities and other equity shares. Within the above-cited restrictions and the Company's general investment restrictions, the Fund invests its assets in companies worldwide, and it is the investment manager�s intention to track the performance of the reference index, with a tracking deviation of no more than 5%, in normal market conditions.