In writing this textbook, Mankiw has tried to put himself in the position of someone seeing economics for the first time. The author’s conversational writing style is superb for presenting the politics and science of economic theories to tomorrow’s decision-makers. Because Mankiw wrote it for the students, the book stands out among all other principle texts by intriguing students to apply an economic way of thinking in their daily lives. Receiving such praise as "perhaps the best ever" textbook in economic principles, it’s no wonder Mankiw’s prize project has quickly become one of the most successful books ever to be published in the college marketplace.
Fully revised and updated, Macroeconomics, 3rd edition presents new events, data, and ideas with the same elegance and coherence that made the previous editions such favourites with students and teachers all over the world. Features of Macroeconomics 3rd edition:
* Mankiw's modern approach to macroeconomics - now standard in many classrooms - presents a balanced and integrated view of classical long-run theories and short-run Keynesian analysis, each complementing the other.
* Classical models of the economy are discussed before short-run fluctuations, an organization that greatly simplifies the material.
* Students learn how to use and compare sets of prominent models, an approach that encourages them to think like economists. Fascinating case studies help students understand the broad applicability of the concepts they are learning.
New in Macroeconomics 3rd edition:
* A more intuitive description of real-business-cycle theory.
* A more complete discussion of hyperinflation.
* Dozens of new end-of-chapter problems.
Product Details
* Hardcover: 531 pages
* Publisher: Institute of Electrical & Electronics Enginee; 3rd edition (September 1996)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 1572591412